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Oliver POV
it was night around 11:05,I was up all night using the energy I had left to see if there's any updates or suspicious activity in the city. I became quite bored that nothing was happen but glad since the city was safe at the moment. But for some reasoning I wanted something bad to happen,just so I can see a specific person. Why not in a romantic way,mostly not with this person I have in mind. This person is cruel,insane,carless.The person that makes families fear they'll be there next victim.

I couldn't find any suspicious activity tonight which was good. I shut off my laptop and leaned back on the chair a bit exhausted, thinking. I wonder what'll do if I figure out who's the person I been chasing for 2 years. Yup 2 years and still nothing. Either way in the end I'll probably just kill them since they'll deserve it. No one will probably miss a person like them.(Harsh I know)

I sighed and just decided to head to bed since it was getting late and I had school tomorrow. I rolled out of my chair and walked over to my bed falling on it dramatically before drifting into a sleep. Well that was until I woke up at 2am hearing something outside my window.

'Shit' i thought to myself. without hesitation I grabbed a bat i had beside my side desk. I slowly walked towards the window from where I've had heard the noise. I saw someones hand appear on the bottom of the window. I just closed my eye and swang towards the bottom of the window. "Fuck man!" a familiar voice yelled in pain. I grew confuse hearing the familiar voice before it clicked to me. "Blake?!" I question. I lowered the bat as the person who got hit by it started to push themselves up into the room. They rolled into the room as they jumped up from the floor brushing there clothes off. Yup it's Blake.

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