Chapter Fourteen

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Where's my end finally gonna be?

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Where's my end finally gonna be?

Everything's so exhausting, from A to Z

When's this wretched mask finally gonna come off?

Yeah, me no hero, me no villain

I'm barely anything

Idling repeats, memories turning vicious

Lying in a field, I set my sights on the skies

Now, I can't remember what I wanted so badly

I trusted I was happy, now a mere memory

Yeah, I been goin', no matter what's in front


Your day had just come to an end, no later than 8PM, when you see Jimin video-calling your phone. You had anticipated his call since you knew it was the morning back in South Korea. You giddily answer it and was greeted with a broad smile from Jimin.

"It's that time of year again!" He says brightly as you collapse on your bed, exhaustion finally sinking into your bones.

"I was wondering if you'd actually remember." You muse.

An expression of faux-hurt masks his face as he says, "You think I'd forget? It's tradition we spend today together!"

You giggle as you make yourself comfortable on the bed. "So, I don't have much on my end, just some leftovers when I ordered take out. We're gonna do a mukbang?" You ask.

Jimin shakes his head. "I have a better idea that requires a little trip down memory lane." He says with a mischievous tone.

You roll your eyes as Jimin heads to the car, placing his phone in the holder before starting the car up and driving off. He plays a playlist that you had made for him before leaving for college, singing very loud and obnoxious to the songs. You don't know why he purposely makes himself sound horrible. You've told him on more than one occasion that he has a beautiful singing voice.

Though you're not facing outwards, being that the camera is solely focused on Jimin, you knew where he was taking you. Today was a special day for the both of you–it marked the day you two met. With his father being a widower and your mother being divorced, the two had found each other by chance. It was uncommon for second-love to happen between two single parents, and yet, the odds were in their favor.

You and Jimin were still grade-school age at the time. With Jimin being a year older than you, you always looked up to him like a big brother because he always positioned himself to protect you. He was the brother you always wanted, the one who would happily chase away your nightmares while wiping away your tears. Though Jimin was on the shyer side when you two first met, it didn't take long for his bright personality to shine through, creating a strong bond between the both of you.

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