❄️ Worried ❄️

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Author's POV

"Open your mouth, this is last I promise," Yoongi pouts and shakes his head.

"No, Y/n... I'm full now," Y/n glared at him.

"You didn't even eat half of the food, and you are full already? I will not hear any excuse... Finish this," Yoongi sighed and took a bite of the food.

For some reason, Jimin didn't like that Y/n was feeding Yoongi. He is now habitual to Y/n's attention and care. He liked it when Y/n took care of him.

Hana came to give medicines to Jimin.

"Jimin, take these medicines," First Jimin was about to take medicines but suddenly halted his hand.

"I'm not taking medicines today," Jimin said while looking at Y/n with side eyes.

Hana frowned.

"Why? You were taking medicines lately, so what happened now?" she asked.

"Nothing, I just don't want to take these medicines no- aaahhhhhh," he yelped in pain when Y/n twisted his left ear.

"What did you say Jimin? I didn't hear you?" Y/n said while glaring at Jimin.

"Did you just refuse to take your medicines?" Hana was trying to control her laugh, and Yoongi was also pressing his lips together to control his laugh.

"Y/n... Leave my ear... It's hurting," Jimin yelped.

"Then, why do you refuse?" Y/n didn't leave his ear.

"I...I was just joking," Jimin chuckled nervously. Y/n smirk and leave his ear. She went closer to his face.

"Good, now take your medicines," Jimin forgot to blink when he saw Y/n close to his face.

Y/n gives him medicines with a smiley same.

"Don't you think you twist my ear very hard?" Jimin said with a pouty face while rubbing his ear which turned red.

"Who told you to do that? Huh? You know how serious I am about your health" Y/n said firmly. Jimin looks down and presses his lips together to hide his smile.


"How are you Eun-ah?" Hoseok asked his girlfriend.

They both were sitting in the cafe. Hoseok was busy for two days because of some work. He can't able to give time to Da-Eun.

"I'm good Hoseok... How is Y/n? I'm sure she is mad at me for not visiting her," Da-Eun said with little sadness.

"She is fine for now," Hoseok said.

"What do you mean by for now?" Da-Eun asked firmly.

"I'm worried for her Eun-ah, Her doctor is out of the station and I don't know about her medical condition. She has been looking so weak for two days, I pretend that I'm happy in front of her but in reality, I'm so scared Eun-ah, I don't want to lose her," tears start flowing from his eyes.

Da-Eun went beside him and engulfed him in her embrace. Hoseok hugged Da-Eun's waist like a baby and started crying.

"Don't cry Hoseok, please... Nothing will happen to Y/n, she has you and me with her. I'm sure she will recover soon from her disease." Da-Eun tries to console her boyfriend.


"Hoba did you cry?" Y/n asked his brother when she saw his red eyes.

𝕮𝖗𝖞𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖑 𝕾𝖓𝖔𝖜 Where stories live. Discover now