❄️ Late ❄️

18 3 21

Author's POV

Three girls were sleeping peacefully when the alarm rang.

"Aish! Whose alarm is this? Just turn off it!" Ji-Woo said while covering her ears with the pillow.

"Y/n! Wake up! And turn off your alarm!" Da-Eun yelled from under the cover.

"5 min more please," Y/n said in half sleep. When Y/n didn't wake up, then Ji-Woo had to wake up to turn off her alarm.

But when she saw the time a scream left from her mouth.

Da-Eun and Y/n woke up in a panic.

"What happened?" Da-Eun said.

"Thief! Thief!" Y/n woke up and immediately went into attack mode.

"Pabo, there is no thief," Da-Eun lightly smacked her head.

"What happened Ji-Woo? Why the hell you screamed?" Da-Eun asked while Y/n eyes were still half open.

"It's past 10 clocks," when Y/n heard that her sleep immediately vanished. She immediately takes her phone and checks the time.

"Shit!" she immediately runs towards her bathroom ignoring Ji-Woo's screaming.

"Y/n! Let me get ready first I have a date with my boyfriend!" But Y/n didn't listen to her and entered the bathroom before closing the door she said.

"Sorry, but I have also someone who is waiting for me,"


"I don't think so she is coming, listen to me, and let's go with me," Taehyung said 5th time to Jimin who was waiting for Y/n for 1 hour.

"Tae! You go, I know she will come," Jimin said calmly while scrolling Instagram on his phone.

Taehyung sighed deeply and sat beside Jimin.

"I'm telling you Jimin, she is no-"

"I'M SORRY JIMIN!" Taehyung words cut into the middle when Y/n burst into his house suddenly.

Jimin's heart stopped for a second when he saw Y/n in a dress other than the hospital gown.

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"What the hell! Don't you have manners?" Taehyung went to Y/n and said.

"Don't forget you also entered my house like this, so tit for tat," Y/n pushed Taehyung aside and went to Jimin.

"I'm so sorry Jimin for being late, actually last night I and my two best friends spent the whole night while talking, and woke up late in the morning, that's why I got late, please forgive," Y/n explained everything to Jimin like an express train.

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