❄️ The Diary ❄️

28 3 9

Author's POV

"So you are going home today," Y/n said to Yoongi who was ready to leave.

"Yes, I'll miss you," Yoongi ruffled her hair.

"Yah! Don't touch my hair," Y/n pushed his hand slowly and fixed her hair.

"Okay, okay," Yoongi giggled.

"Now, be careful on the road, don't you dare come here again with any injury," Y/n said in a warning tone.

"Promise," Then Yoongi went to Jimin.

"I'll miss you, roommate," Yoongi pulled Jimin in a hug.

"Be safe," Jimin said and broke the hug.

"We will come to meet you, give us your number," Y/n said and extended her phone towards Yoongi.

"How?" This time Jungkook spoke.

"Actually, I'm taking a break from the hospital," Y/n says excitedly.

"Break? How can someone take a break from the hospital?" Jungkook frowned.

"Actually Y/n doesn't want to be in the hospital for some time, so she is going home," Jimin explained.

"I'm not going alone, I'm taking Jimin with me," Y/n said after wrapping her hand around Jimin's arm.

Jimin's heart rate increased. He looks at their hands and then Y/n.

"But are you fine now? Like you fainted yesterday and-"

"Don't worry Yoongi, I'm fine my doctor allowed me," Y/n didn't let Yoongi complete his sentence.


"Will it be fine for Y/n to go home?" a worried Hoseok asked his friend.

"We don't have any other choice Hoba, it's her decision and we can't interfere in that," Namjoon replied.

Hoseok sighed in defeat and nodded his head.

"Okay, then I will prepare her and Jimin's discharge papers," Hoseok said, and Namjoon nodded in agreement.

Hoseok went to his cabin where he saw Taehyung who was waiting for him.

"Good morning hyung," Taehyung said cheerfully. Hoseok smiled a little.

"Good morning Tae," Taehyung frowned.

"What happened hyung? Why are you looking so down?"

"Nothing... Just work stress. Forget this and tell me did you meet Y/n or not?" Hoseok said.

"No hyung, actually yesterday something urgent came, so I didn't get time to meet her, that's why I came here to meet her then I thought to meet you first," Taehyung replied.

"I'm free right now, Let's go I will take you to her," Taehyung nodded, and they walked out of the cabin.

"But please don't start a fight again, like you both always did," Hoseok said in a pleading tone.

𝕮𝖗𝖞𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖑 𝕾𝖓𝖔𝖜 Where stories live. Discover now