❄️ Ending And Beginning ❄️

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Jimin's POV

We spend all day together. We enjoyed a lot in karaoke. I felt like this day was the best day of my life.

At the end of the day, Y/n took me to a photo booth.

"Sit here," she took my hand and made me sit on the bench. She gave me a rabbit hat and took another rabbit hat for herself. I smiled and wore it with her.

"Okay, ready?" She presses the buttons and puts money in the machine then she presses the start button.

"Okay," she immediately sit with me.

We click many pictures. All the pictures were so funny.

"Here... One for you and one for me," she gave the pictures.

"Look at your face here," I point toward a picture. She smacked my shoulder.

"Jimin!" she whined.

"I'm sorry but," and I start laughing.

She glared at me. I pressed my lips to control my laugh.

"Sorry, Sorry, " She smiled and shook her head.

"I have good news for you," she said. I look at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Good news?" she nods excitedly.


"We have found a donor for you!" She announced. I can't able to believe my ears.


"Yes! There is a patient whose brain is dead and that person has the same blood group as yours, doctors tell to patient's family that there is no chance for that person to survive, so that person's family is ready to donate that person's heart and... Operation is tomorrow," I felt so bad for that person. I immediately pull Y/n in a hug.

"Thank you Y/n... Thank you so much. Since you came into my life, everything good is happening in my life,"

She hugs me back. After a few seconds, I broke the hug.

"I think we should go now," Y/n said. I smiled and nodded his head.

We sat in the car and went from there. We reached in front of my house. I unbuckled the seat belt and got out of the car and Y/n also came out of the car.

"We had so much fun today," I said while looking at the photograph that we clicked on the photo booth.

"Yes," Y/n said with a chuckle. "I think I should go now," she said.

I don't know why suddenly I feel like I should stop Y/n. Suddenly my heart says that don't let her go. I immediately held her hand.

She looked at our hand. An unknown fear entered my heart. I pull her towards me and hug her.

Why am I feeling like this? I feel like if today I let her go then I will not be able to see her.

Author's POV

Little did Jimin know that his fear of not being able to see her again would come true.

Y/n broke the hug and looked at Jimin.

"What happened Jimin?" she felt the restlessness of Jimin.

"N-nothing, good night," Jimin smiled and waved his hand.

Y/n smiled. She again pulled Jimin in a hug. After a good minutes of a hug she broke the hug and waved her hand sat in the car. Jimin's heart still saying to stop Y/n.

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