❄️ Beautiful Sunset ❄️

17 2 0

Author's POV

In the evening they all reached Bergen. They entered the house that Y/n rented for them.

"Wow! Y/n-ie... I'm really impressed by you. You did a great job," Jin said while looking at the house.

"This time I agree with you hyung," Taehyung said.

"Okay, guys this house has 8 rooms. Last time Da-Eun slept with me, but this time Hoseok and Da-Eun can stay in one room like Jin and Ji-woo, and the rest of us will take one- one room," Y/n informed them.

"I'm going to my room and call me when dinner is ready," Taehyung said ready to go but Hoseok held him from behind by his collar.

"Where are you going Taehyung-ssi? Did you forget what we decided earlier? Don't try to run from work and come with us," with that Hoseok pulled Taehyung by the collar and took him with him.

The rest of the boys also follow Hoseok and Taehyung.

"Okay, girls let's freshen up till the boys are preparing dinner," Ji-Woo said.


"Okay, Namjoon, Jungkook go and bring the bag from the car," Jin ordered.

They already do the grocery shopping on the way. They decide that the boys will prepare dinner for today, so Jin and Yoongi take the responsibility of cooking.

Namjoon and Jungkook returned with all the bags. Jimin and Taehyung take out all the things from the bag.

"Yoongi, you grill the meat, and I'll prepare the ingredients for spaghetti," Yoongi nods his head.

"Jimin and Taehyung you both prepare tomato soup. Namjoon you help me," Jin said.

"I'll make a cake for dessert," Hoseok spoke. Jin nods his head in agreement.

"And I'll help Dr. Hoseok," Jungkook said.

"You can call me hyung Jungkook, we are not in the hospital," Jungkook gives a shy smile and nods his head.

"Okay, Dr.- I mean hyung,"


"Can't wait to eat the food made by my baby's hand," Ji-Woo said while rubbing her hand.

"Come here my lady," Jin held Ji-woo's hand and pulled the chair for her like a gentleman.

Hoseok also does the same. Y/n was smiling while looking at the couple when Jimin came to her and cleared his throat to take her attention.

"May I?" he also extended his hand. Y/n's eyes widened. The rest of them look at Y/n and Jimin with a smile.

Y/n slowly took Jimin's hand. Jimin took her to the dining table and then pulled the chair for her.

Then three boys start serving food to their girls.

"I wish someone would serve food to us like them," Taehyung said dramatically.

"Stop your dramas and serve yourself," Jin said.

They all start laughing and they have their first dinner in Bergen like this.

"Now it's time for some dessert," Hoseok said excitedly while putting the cake on the table. They all yell in joy. Y/n happily eating her cake and Jimin was looking at her with a smile.

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