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Jungwon sighed heavily as he walked across the school garden with Nara. He had been feeling unwell the past few days, but his mother had refused to let him stay home from school. Jungwon didn't understand why, but he was too meek to question her. Nara watched her friend, and could tell something was wrong. She stopped and turned to Jungwon.

"What's the matter?" she asked. "Why won't your mom let you stay home when you're sick? It doesn't seem right." Jungwon looked away and kicked at the stones, not wanting to answer her question. "My mom thinks people should always be strong," he muttered. "She gets really stressed out when I have to take a break from our chores. She says people should 'push through' no matter what."

Nara frowned. "That's ridiculous," she said gently. "Everyone needs a break now and then. Doing too much is going to make you worse. You should try and talk to her again—"

"No," Jungwon said. "I can't. She won't listen." Nara hesitated. Then, carefully, she reached over and linked her arm through his. "It's okay," she said. "We'll figure something out. You don't have to be strong all the time."

Jungwon breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. He knew he was safe with Nara. "Thanks" He said, "For what?" she asked confused.

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