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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⇢ ˗ˏˋ 3rd person's POV࿐ྂ

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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 3rd person's POV࿐ྂ

Nara ended up sleeping at Jungwon's house for the night. But of course, Jungwon had to ask his mom if it's ok first. They both ended up getting up so early for Nara to go home and get ready, they both planned to hang out this weekend.

They shared a quick breakfast before heading out, walking side by side as they chatted about the day ahead. It was during this conversation that Jungwon broached a touchy subject. "Hey, Nara," he said with a concerned tone, "Maybe you shouldn't be friends with Areum anymore. It feels like she's just using you."

Nara looked at him, surprised by his sudden bluntness. "But she's been my friend for so long, Jungwon. I don't think she would intentionally hurt me."

Jungwon's expression hardened. "I understand that, Nara, but sometimes we have to protect ourselves. You deserve so much better than someone who takes advantage of your kindness. How about we send her a message, saying that you're tired of being used, and her actions are hurting you?"

Nara hesitated, unsure about the consequences of such a confrontation. "I don't know, Jungwon. What if she gets angry and does something to me?"

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