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˚。⋆୨୧˚⇢ ˗ˏˋ Nara's POV࿐

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⇢ ˗ˏˋ Nara's POV࿐

As we started walking, the silence between us was slightly awkward. I couldn't help but wonder if Jungwon had any idea about the underlying tension that existed between Areum and me. We hadn't spoken in the past few days.

We walked along the empty streets, the only sound being our footsteps echoing on the pavement. The midnight air was cool and refreshing, adding a hint of serenity to the atmosphere. I wanted to talk about my concerns, to share the weight of my worries with Jungwon, but I couldn't bring myself to mention Areum. It felt too risky.

As we turned a corner, Jungwon suddenly broke the silence. "You know, I've noticed that things haven't been great between you and Areum lately. Is everything okay?" I froze for a moment, caught off guard by his question. How did he know? Despite my desire to keep it a secret, it seemed that Jungwon had sensed the tension between us all along.

I tried my best to pretend I hadn't heard, but Jungwon was persistent. He stopped, forcing me to stop too, and then gently put his hand on my shoulder.

I trusted Jungwon enough to tell him the truth, but I'm not ready to tell him yet... I'm not ready to explain to him about the disagreements we had been having for the past few days, and how petty our arguments felt.

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