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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⇢ ˗ˏˋ 3rd person's POV࿐ྂ

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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 3rd person's POV࿐ྂ

Sunoo and Jake exchanged a knowing look as they observed the interaction between Nara and Jungwon. They could see the struggle in Jungwon's eyes, torn between his feelings for Nara and his fear of losing her to someone else. It was a difficult situation for him, but his friends knew that they had to step in and offer some guidance.

"Look, Jungwon," Jake began, his voice gentle but firm. "You can't control who Nara is interested in. But what you can control is how you handle this situation."

Sunoo chimed in, his voice filled with warmth and understanding. "Instead of letting jealousy consume you, focus on being the best version of yourself. Show Nara why she should choose you."

Jungwon nodded, realizing the truth in his friends' words. He couldn't let jealousy cloud his judgment and push Nara further away. He needed to take a step back, reflect on his own actions, and find confidence within himself.

Over the next few weeks, Jungwon focused on improving himself both academically and personally. He joined clubs, took up new hobbies, and built his self-esteem. He no longer let the thought of losing Nara consume him; instead, he channeled his energy into becoming the best version of himself.

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