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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⇢ ˗ˏˋ Jungwon's POV࿐

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⇢ ˗ˏˋ Jungwon's POV࿐

"Hey won, Did you hear? Areum moved to an other school!" Jake suddenly said. My eyes widened at Jake's announcement. "Areum moved? That's unexpected," I replied, my voice filled with genuine surprise. But then, I remembered something about Areum. Areum used to be Nara's best friend until she found out that Areum was only using her for her popularity.

As I processed the news, memories of Nara flooded my mind. She had been on my mind a lot lately. We had been spending more time together, bonding over our shared love for books and exploring new places in our city. There was something about Nara that intrigued me, something I couldn't quite put into words. But I found myself wanting to be around her more and more

Ever since Nara and I became friends, we had been spending a lot of time together. We would study together, go out for meals, and even watch movies late into the night. But it was always as friends. At least, that's what I kept telling myself.

Meanwhile, Jake sensed that there was something off between Nara and Jungwon. He remembered Jungwon mentioning Nara's name a few times and his curious mind couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

"Hey Won, is there something going on with you and Nara?" Jake asked with a mischievous smile on his face.

I felt my cheeks flush, unsure of how to respond. "Huh?! No way," I replied, trying to play it off as if it was nothing. But deep down, I knew there was something more.

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