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THE PHONE RINGING STARTLED A HALF ASLEEP RANDY MEEKS. Randy's face almost hit the counter, but he managed to catch himself. He looked around for his heterochromia/ kleptomaniac friend, but he didn't spot her around.

She was probably out back napping or something. He picked up the phone and answered it. It was only a customer. He heard a small thud coming from the back room.

Confused, he waited until the customer finished whatever he was talking about, and Randy put the phone down before he went to investigate.

"Remi?" Maybe she fell over, or maybe she tripped. She was clumsy most of the time.

"Remi? Are you okay?" He walked into the back room, turning on the lights, "Boo!" Randy let out a scream of fright before he groaned as he heard familiar laughter.

"Remi! Not funny!" Randy exclaimed before his brown eyes meet two different color eyes. The blue and green eyes shined mischievously.

"I scared ya. "She laughed, Randy stared at Remi. Her short black hair had stripes of red in it. Above her left eye on her eyebrow, she had a piercing. She had a piercing on her nose and bottom lip.

She also had a tongue and belly button pierce. Her ears were covered in piercings. She wore her work outfit with a black sleeve shirt underneath her t-shirt with her black boots.

Remi was a punk, or was she a gothic punk? Randy didn't pay much attention to the details when he first met her. He was just captive by her beauty.

Remi was beyond beautiful. Every teenage boy in town wanted her, and every girl wanted her beauty. It was a misfortune that she just happened to be Billy loomis and Stu Macher childhood best friend.

The three of them were a unique friend group. Billy was your typical class president, bad boy, plus being the high school football team quarterback. He was the most popular guy in school.

Stu was your typical class clown who plays hockey. Stu was also the most popular guy in school. While remi was your typical classic punk who's also a horror geek. She was pretty popular.

It was weird seeing three types of being in the same friend group, but let's not forget about the other three.

Sidney prescott was your typical shy girl who's dating the bad boy, aka Billy loomis. Tatum was your typical cheerleader who's dating the class clown, aka Stu macher and Randy Meeks, who's the horror geek who's best friends with Remi Hart aka the punk horror geek.

It was a weird friend group, but they made it work for years. They were all good friends, or at least that's what Randy wanted to think.

"Why did you scare me, remi?" He questioned, and she grinned at him, "became My geek. I need to get my scares in before Halloween. There isn't a way I would be able to scare everyone in my hit list on Halloween, so I'm doing it weeks before Halloween." She told him

"I'm on your hit list!?" He asked, his eyes widening, "hit list? I mean my scare list. Don't worry, my geek. You're not on my hit list." Remi told him

Randy shook his head ,"who's next?"

"Billy, of course. I'm getting that jerk back for what he did to me." Remi told him, "Wait, remind me what did he do?" Randy asked with a small smirk, and Remi groaned

"That jerk! Dyed my hair neon pink! I  can get regular pink, but neon!? I nearly went blind." She exclaimed before she smirked

"And I have just the thing to piss of Billy." She giggled, "right. You still have an hour left on shift. " Randy reminded her

"Ugh! Don't remind me."
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Billy loomis was home alone since his father was God knows where,  He was lying in bed when he heard noises coming from outside.

He slowly sat up before he saw a figure climbing through his window, and he turned on the lamp light watching as the person fell ,"Ow!"

"Remi! Are you okay?" He asked, amused as she stood up ,"Yep! Totally!" She said, dropping herself on his bed.

She leaned her chin on the palm of her hand and stared at Billy, who stared right back.

"Not that I don't mind you being at my house, but why are you here?" Billy questioned

"I'm wondering how you look bald." She said, "What?" He chuckled , "you dyed my hair, Billy loomis. So, I'm going to shave yours." He let out a laugh

"Right. I like to see you actually try it." He stopped laughing and he glared at her ,"Don't you fucking dare." Remi laughed raising her hands in surrender

"I won't! I won't touch your precious hair. " She told him, standing up. "I'm staying the night, though. My house is too far and I don't want to walk." She said, kicking off her boots and placing them next to Billy's dark brown boots

"Also, I'm borrowing some of your clothes and taking a shower because I smell like sweat from running away from that raccoon, or was it a raccoon? I don't know if it was dark, and it sounded like it had rabies, and I was not about to let it bite me. " She told him as she walked around his room, grabbing some clothes.

"You ran from a raccoon? You?" Billy asked, laughing, and remi sarcastically laughed before grabbing a pillow from Billy's bed and smacking him with it.

She ran into the bathroom and closed the door, locking it and Billy tsk, smiling.

Remi took at least five minutes in the shower before she came out wearing one of Billy's black sabbath t-shirts with grey sweatpants and white ankle socks.

Billy threw a pillow at her, hitting her right in the face ,"jerk."

"Bitch." They both stared at each other before laughing and remi grabbed a blanket before throwing the pillow on the carpet floor. "What are you doing?" Billy questioned

"What does it look like, Billy? I'm sleeping on the floor." Remi told him ,"As if. You're not sleeping on the floor. Come on, sleep on the bed." Billy told her

"And break girl code? No way." Billy rolled his eyes ,"then you take the bed, and I'll sleep on the floor." He told her

"No way. Just go to sleep." She said, lying on the floor and pulling the blanket on her.

"You used to sleep on my bed all the time. What changed?" Billy asked, looking down at her ,"Uh.. let me see... you have a girlfriend! Doofus!" She told him, turning on her side facing away from him.

"I'm fine on the floor, Billy." She said, closing her eyes , Billy just stared at her before he sighed

"Alright. Night, Gambit." Remi mentally rolled her eyes at the nickname Billy and stu gave her when they were kids.

It just happened that her dad is just a superhero geek that he named her after the vigilante Remi Lebeau, aka Gambit. It was actually one of Remi favorite vigilantes.

"Night...bitch." Billy chuckled, smiling reaching his hand out and turning off the light.
Word count - 1207

First chapter!
Hope you enjoy!

More chapters are coming soon!

Teenage dirtbag || Scream 1996 || Billy loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now