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REMI HAD DECIDED TO TELL BILLY AND STU THAT SHE WAS PREGNANT. she was a nervous wreck. She would admit this was the first in her life that she was truly scared.

She didn't want to lose the two most important people in her life. She was currently in her room waiting for Billy and stu to arrive.

She was slightly startled when the phone rang, and she sighed before she left her room and headed downstairs towards the ringing phone.

"Hello?" She answered, expecting it to be her dad, Eleanor, who are out on a date, or Mckenzie, who was at a sleepover.

"Hello, Remi." It was that creepy voice again, but this time, it sounded a bit different

"Can I help you?" She asked

"You don't deserve them. You're not special, remi. You're a loser and a freak." Remi rolled her eyes ,"okay, whatever, bye." She hung up and put the phone down but it rang again.

She wanted to ignore it but she couldn't it. She sighed before picking up the phone again. "Hello?"

"You hang up on me again and I'm gonna kill that fucking kid!" Remi's hand clenched around the phone

"What the fuck do you want?" She growled out.

"I want to fucking kill you! You don't deserve billy and stu, you bitch!" They angrily yelled

"Oh, fuck you! If you want to kill then come and fucking kill me!" Remi yelled , "what the fuck are you waiting for!?"

"You shouldn't have said that." They laughed and remi rolled her eyes ,"I'm seriously getting bored of your shit!"

"Here I come then." They hung up and remi heard a crashing sound from the back of the house. Remi rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a knife.

She heard footsteps before seeing Ghostface or at least a copy cat because remi knew they weren't the real ones.

She hid behind the counter watching as the copy cat walked past her. Remi stood up and gripped the knife tightly in her hand before she quietly stood behind the copy cat.

She raised the knife and the cop cat turned around but remi swung the knife down.

"Fuck you!" The knife was impaled into their neck and remi kicked them down before stabbing them again and again until she was tackled by another copy cat.

Remi grunted as she was stabbed in the thigh. She clenched her fist before punching the copycat in the mask.

They grunted in pain and remi rolled them around, remi grabbed the knife and raised it but the copycat pulled the knife out of her thigh and she let put a yell.

"Go to hell asshole!" She yelled before harshly impaling the knife into their chest and they stopped moving.

She tsk before removing the mask and her eyes widened slightly, "what the fuck?"

A gunshot rang out and remi fell back groaning in pain. "Fuck! Sid!" The other copycat yelled and remi just knew it was Tatum.

"Remi!" She heard billy and stu shout "what the fuck!"

Remi heard another gunshot before hearing Tatum yelling. "Remi!" Stu appeared in her line of vision

"Fucking hell. Are you and billy okay?" Remi groaned out , and stu nodded before billy appeared with blood on him. It must've been Tatums.

"Shit, call an ambulance." Billy told stu who nodded and rushed off to call an ambulance

"Just hold on okay, remi?" Billy told her, resting her on his lap.

"Your girlfriend was a psycho." Remi let out a small chuckle before groaning

"Don't worry too much. I was shot in my arm." She told him, patting his arm.

"Wait, does blood loss affect baby's?" She suddenly questioned and billy blinked staring down at her, "what?"

"Shit, pass my a towel. I need to keep my blood inside. I can't lose the baby! Hurry!" She sat up, wincing a bit. Billy passed her the towels and she pressed them against her wounds.

"The ambulance is on its way." Stu said, kneeling besides remi ,"what baby?" Billy questioned

"What?" Remi asked, looking at him, "you said that you don't want to lose the baby. What baby?" Billy asked

"Remi...are you pregnant?" Stu asked and remi silently cursed. "Yeah. I'm pregnant."

"Who's the father?" Billy angrily asked, glaring at her but remi didn't answer him.

"Who's the fucking father, remi!" He yelled and she glared at you ,"it's you, you bitch! And stu!" She yelled at him and both boys froze

"W-what?" Stu asked and remi sighed, "it's at your party a couple weeks ago. We drank until we blacked out and I woke up first next to the two of you naked." Remi told them

"Why didn't you tell us sonner?" Billy asked, "because I was scared, okay! I was scared that was going to ruin our friendship." Remi said

"You didn't. We loved you for so long and now we can be together." Stu told her ,"with Sidney and Tatum gone. We can be together." He added

"We're the killers." Billy blurted out and remi chuckled ,"Yeah, I fucking know. I knew from the fucking start."

"How?" Stu asked, "for one, we grew up together, I know everything about the two of you and second, I found the costume in stu's room. Doesn't take a genius to put two and two together," she told them hearing the sirens in a distance.

She leaned on stu who held her , "oh, randy knows too."
Word count - 912

Hope you enjoy!

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