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REMI CURSED HERSELR FOR SHUTTERING. she had never stuttered once in her life, and there she was stuttering with this guy she had never met before, but she has to admit, he is handsome.

"Remi! Are you okay!?" Randy questioned, worriedly looking down at her ,"yeah." Remi replied, her eyes never leaving those green eyes.

"Way to go, you idiot! First day at school, and you already crashed into a girl!" A female voice said before the boy was pushed off remi

"I am so sorry about my brother. He's an idiot and thinks he could skateboard." The girl said, helping remi up ,"I have one of those too." Remi said, gesturing to Randy

"He can't skate for shit." The girl let out a small laugh ,"I'm Ameila, and that's Trent, my idiot brother."

"I'm remi, and that's Randy. My idiot best friend." Trent stood up and smiled at remi ,"hi. I'm sorry for literally tackling you to the ground. I suck at skateboarding."

Remi smiled, and Randy's eyes widened. Remi was smiling at someone else. She never did that before.

"It's fine. So, you guys new here?" Remi asked ,"Yeah. Our first day of school, actually." Tren replied

"Randy and I can show you around if you like." Remi said, and Randy's eyes widened even more. Did she just offer to help someone? Without being forced?

"Would you? That would be like really cool." Trent said, and remi giggled, and Randy gasped in shock. Remi just giggled. He pitched his arm to make sure he wasn't dreaming

"Remi, Randy. I thought you two geeks would be geeking out by Randy's locker." Tatum said as she and the others came over.

Randy rushed over to Billy and stu. "I think remi got body snatched by aliens. She giggled and offered to help." Randy whispered

"What? Don't be ridiculous. Remi doesn't gigg..." stu cut himself off as he heard an adorable giggle, and they all stared at remi

"See? Giggling." Randy whispered, "she offered to help without being forced?" Billy asked, and Randy nodded

"It's obvious, remi has a crush on the new guy." Tatum joined into the conversation, "he is kinda cute." Sidney said, and Tatum nodded in agreement

"Ahem! Remi, aren't you gonna introduce us?" Stu questioned ,"Oh right. Trent, Ameila , this is Billy loomis, Stu macher , Sidney prescott, and Tatum riley. My friends. Guys, this is Trent and Ameila. They're new here, so be nice." Remi told them

"Did remi just tell us to be nice?" Stu asked in shock, "us?" He added in complete disbelief

"She's probably off her meds. "Billy suggested, "she doesn't take meds, Billy." Randy told him, giving him a look

"Well, she should. She's freaking me out with all... whatever that is." Billy replied, "Leave her alone. She had a crush. Let her be and support her." Tatum told them, glaring at each of them.

"No. I think Billy is right. I think remi is off her meds. That's not our girl at all." Stu said

"For the last time, remi doesn't take meds." Randy told them,with an eye roll

"And stop calling her our girl, stu." Tatum huffed, crossing her arms

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Billy said, "trash can is over there." Randy pointed out, and Billy glared at him

Lucky for them, remi was busy with Trent that she didn't hear them at all or else they would've been running already.

"They're kinda cute." Sidney said with a small smile ,"You're delusional, Sidney." Billy scoffed, and Sidney sent her boyfriend an offended look

"Yeah, that is not cute. " stu said, "are those two always like this?" Ameila asked, looking at Randy, who nodded ,"Unfortunately."

"Is Trent seriously leaving me?" Ameila asked, slightly surprised, but she was impressed that he was able to find himself a girlfriend on the first day of school.

"I'll show you around. Come on." Randy told her, and she nodded before following Randy.

"Right. So, the two geeks got a boyfriend and a girlfriend. That's great, now nobody is single in our friend group." Tatum said

"Why are you two so against remi liking someone?" She asked, "we do not." Stu scoffed

"She's our best friend, and we just.. never gonna let her date some guy she doesn't know." Billy said, and stu nodded in agreement

"Yeah." Sidney and Tatum shared a look, "right. Let's just go with that." Tatum huffed

"Let's get going before we're late."
- - - -
Remi smiled at Trent, and Billy and stu weren't happy about it. What was so special about the new guy? She barely even knows him, and there she is, smiling and giggling with the new guy.

"He's gotta go." Stu whispered, and Billy nodded ,"Yeah. He'll be next right after Casey and steve." Billy whispered back

"You think remi is going to hate us?" Stu asked, "Not if she doesn't know it was us." Billy told him

"She's gonna be pissed. Maybe we should put her on meds or something. "Stu said, "Maybe." Billy agreed.

"Shit. She's twirling her hair. She says that too girly. Oh my god, our girl is turning into a girl." Stu gasped in fright ,"this is a nightmare come true." He added

"Tell me about it. Next thing you know, She's gonna get rid of her piercings, dye her hair back to natural color, and wear girly girl shit." Billy said, he hated that idea. Remi was just fine as she was.

"She..she won't do that, would she?" Stu chuckled, "no way in hell are we going to let her change that much." Billy said

"We'll just put her on meds." He added ,"Yeah,that's a good idea."

"Ugh, she's touching him. Disgusting," stu faked gagged, and Billy clenched his fist. "And she's laughing."

"Absolutely disgusting."
- - - -
Remi excitedly rushed over to her friends ,"Guess what, losers!?"

"You finally found out who's been writing in the bathroom stalls?" Randy asked, and remi shook her head ,"Not yet, but when I do. You'll know. It's something way better!" She grinned

"Um..you become the president?" Stu guessed ,"I wished, but no way! Something way better!"

"You just realized you're never going to marry Elvis?" Billy asked, and remi blinked, "How is that good? Secondly, I was five when I said I was going to marry Elvis over you. Get over it. " She told him

"Never." Billy shook his head, "Um..does it have to do something with New boy?" Tatum guessed, and remi nodded

"Did he die?" Billy asked in a hopeful voice, "in a very brutal way?" Stu asked with hopeful eyes

"No! Gosh! You two stop guessing!" Remi told them, "Ooh! He asked you on a date!?" Randy guessed

"Yeah! How do you know!?" Randy matching remi excited, "because I was standing right next to you!"

"Then you know I said yes!" Randy nodded ," I do!"

"When's the date?" Sidney asked , "Tomorrow. He's taking me to the cinema." Remi said, taking a seat next to Randy

"We're gonna watch  Halloween part two." She added ,"Do you have an outfit? You can't go dressed as Michael myers like you usually do. " Tatum told her

"I have an outfit."
Word count - 1199

Hope you enjoy!

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