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EVERYTHING WAS BLAMED ON TATUM AND SIDNEY. The police blamed everything on Tatum and Sidney. They were the ones who killed everyone. Dewey was upset that his sister was a murderer and Neil prescott was left alone.

Remi was completely fine, but stu and Billy became overprotective over her, which annoyed her, but she couldn't do much about it.

Randy, even though he knew Billy and stu could kill him at any minute, threatened to hurt them if they hurt remi or the baby.

Billy, of course, only laughed at Randy's threat and threatened him that if he ever threatened him again, he was actually going to kill him.

Months passed since everything. Billy and stu haven't killed as much as they did, but they have been killing.

Currently, remi was waiting for her due date to near while resting on the couch. Stu was sleeping on her lap, his head on her stomach. While Billy sat beside, "How about Samantha?" He asked, and remi turned her head, looking at him, "What?"

Billy chuckled ,"For a girl, Samantha sounds nice." Remi nodded, "Yeah, it does."

"Samantha loomis," remi tried it out, "loomis?" Billy rasied an eyebrow, and remi nodded ,"Yeah, loomis." Billy smiled

"If we ever get married, we should take your last name." Stu sleepily mumbled, "when." Billy corrected ,"when we get married." He added

"But why mine?" He asked, looking at his lovers ,"My family sucks and I don't want anyone else to have my last name." Stu confessed, sitting up rubbing his eyes. His hair was a mess, which made him adorable.

"What about for a boy?" He questioned,"Hmm, I like the name river for a boy. "Remi told them

"River loomis? That sounds nice." Billy mumbled, remi groaned a little, "what? What's wrong?" Billy questioned

Before he could answer, they all heard something, and remi looked both at Billy and stu,

"Um, I think my water just broke."
- - -
Seven hours later, the babies were born. Billy, stu, and remi were shocked that it was twins. A girl and a boy.

They were happy, though. Everyone was happy for them. "River looks so tiny." Stu said

"That's normal, right?" Billy questioned, "the doctor said that we need to gain him some weight, but he's healthy." Remi replied

"Wait, he's opening his eyes." Remi told them, and they watched as River slowly opened his eyes

"He has two color eyes." River smiled up at remi , his left eye was bright blue, and his right eye was brown.

"He's so cute." Stu giggled, Samantha was already awake in Billy's arms, babbling away. She had brown eyes, just like Billy's.

"Remi!" Mckenzie yelled, rushing into the room. She gasped, "Twins!"

"Can I hold them?" Mckenzie questioned ,"Yeah, just sit down, okay?" Billy told her, and Mckenzie nodded

- - - -
"Are you sure that's everything you're gonna take?" Walter questioned as he held River, who was calmly playing with some toy. Sam was with Eleanor.

"Yeah, dad. That's everything." Remi told him, smiling at him ,"Don't worry, okay? I'm just heading off to college," she told him

"I always worry." Walter told her, as Billy and stu walked into the house. River seemed to notice and stretched his arms towards Billy, who smiled and took him.

"Are two ready?" Eleanor asked, walking over with Sam, who stretched her arms towards stu.

Stu took her, smiling down at Sam. "Yeah, we have everything we need." Stu said

"Are you sure you guys need to go to college?" Mckenzie asked, "Yeah, we do." Remi told her

"Can we visit you guys?" Mckenzie asked, "Absolutely. You can visit any day." Remi told her

"I'll miss you guys! Especially Sam and River." Mckenzie said, "but I'll visit," she added

A loud honk outside startled most of them, and Sam started to cry while River looked unbothered by it.

"Is that normal?" Mckenzie questioned, looking up at River with a worried look on her face.

"We don't know. We're going to doctors soon and we'll find out." Billy told her

"We have to get going." Remi announced, "we'll miss you guys." Walter said, pulling remi, Billy, and stu into a hug. Sam had calmed down but clung to stu.
- - -
The twins were sleeping while Billy was driving, and remi sat on the driver seat and stu was in the back sleeping as well.

"You think he's gonna be okay?" Remi suddenly questioned, turning to look at Billy.

"Rivers gonna be fine, and if he isn't, then we'll deal with it, okay?" Billy told her, and remi nodded before she looked out the window, seeing the sign.

"Leaving woodsboro."

Word count - 775

Hope you enjoy!
Final chapter!
Thanks for reading!

I'm thinking of making a second book but with River as the main oc, but it probably gonna take a while for it to come out. I'm also thinking of making Danny the love interest for River.

Well, anyway. I hope you are all having a great day! And I hope that you have enjoyed the story!

Teenage dirtbag || Scream 1996 || Billy loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now