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DAYS HAVE PASSED SINCE BILLY'S BIRTHDAY AND THE KILLINGS HAVE INCREASED. The body count was at 28, and the police were useless in finding the killers. The curfew had gotten shorter now.

The teens were ordered to only go out for school and go back home, but what was the point of a curfew if you were just gonna get murdered in your own home?

Everyone was pretty much ignoring the curfew. Remi was also one of those who was ignoring the curfew. "Dad! I'm going over to stu's house for his party!" Remi announced

"Okay! Don't get murdered on the way!" Walter replied, "Be safe , alright?" Eleanor told her from her spot next to Walter on the couch. Eleanor and Mckenzie moved in a couple of days ago.

"I will." Remi said as she left the house. She jogged over to Billy's car and got inside. "Let's get going." Billy grinned and sped off.

The two listened to some AC/DC before arriving at stu's house. They could hear the music from the car. "Thanks for the ride, Billy." Remi said, getting out of the car

"It's the least I could since you brought me my baby." He said, "Baby?" Remi said in an amused tone ,"Yeah, her name is baby." Billy replied with a smile as the two headed inside of stu's house.

"Billy!remi! You guys are finally here!" Stu exclaimed clearly already drunk, "we wouldn't miss your party!" Remi said, grabbing a beer from stu


Ten beers, three ping pong games later , remi was drunk as hell. She drunkenly went upstairs and into stu's room.

"Whoa!" She drunkenly laughed as she saw Billy and stu making out , they both seemed as drunk as her.

"This seems really hot."
- - - - -
Remi would never ever get drunk ever again. Her head was pounding as she sat up early in the morning.

She felt movement beside her, and she glanced to her left before glancing to the right, and her eyes widened. She glanced to herself, and she quietly gasped.

"No, no, no." She thought to herself as she stood up and grabbed her clothes, quickly dressing herself

She looked at the two boys in the bed who were still sleeping, and she cursed herself. She couldn't believe that she slept with both her best friends.

She couldn't believe that she had sex with Billy and stu. Once she finished putting her shoes on, she rushed out of the house.

She needed to get home and take a shower and freak about what the whole thing.

Remi didn't know what to do. Sidney and Tatum are going to be so pissed and remi doesn't even remember having sex with them, but she still had...well, you know,

What if it ruins their friendship? All those years of being friends just ruined because of one drunken night?

It's cruel, but she hopes that Billy and stu don't remember what happened. Remi made it home after a thirty minute walk, and she went to her room to take a shower.
- - -
Randy was playing video games in his room when remi rushed into his room ,"I had sex with Billy and stu." She blurted

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that? Because what I heard is that you had sex with Billy and stu, but that can't be true." Randy said, pausing his game and giving his full attention to remi

"We were drunk! And I woke up next to them naked, Randy! We were naked! In bed, together!" Remi freaked out, pacing around Randy's room

"I ruined our friendship! I did it! Oh my god, Tatum and Sidney are going to kill me!" She ranted

"Are you going to tell them?" Randy asked, interrupting remi's freak out , "of course! They're my friends, and not to mention Billy's and stu's girlfriends! I need to tell them." She said

"Okay! Wait, what did Billy and stu have to say about this?" Randy asked ,"I don't know! I woke up before them, and I left before they even woke up!" She dropped herself on his bed

"I fucked up, Randy. I fucked up so bad." A few tears slid down her face , "Hey, look at me." Remi looked at Randy and he reached out, wiping her tears

"Did they use condoms?" Remi burst out laughing, "what?"

"Well, I don't want to be an uncle at such a young age." Randy said and remi just continued to laugh before a sob escaped her

"I missed up so bad, Randy. It's all my fault." Randy pulled her into his embrace, hugging her

"I'm serious though did they use condoms?"
- - - - - -
Randy walked up to stu's house. Remi was back at his house, exhausted herself from crying. She fell asleep in his bed. He wanted to see what Billy and stu remember of what happened.

He knocked on the door and didn't stop until the door was swung open by an annoyed Billy, "stop fucking knocking, dipshit."

Randy pushed himself inside of the house , "what do you remember of last night?" He asked

"Why?" Billy asked, slamming the door shut and glaring at him ,"uh..remi hit her head last night but she doesn't remember what happened." Randy lied

Billy's glare soften and his eyes turned worried, "is she okay?" He asked

"Oh, she's fine." Randy waved him off ,"so what do you remember?" He asked

"Nothing, I blacked out after drinking so much." Billy told him and Randy just stared at him and he somehow just knew he was telling the truth.

"Oh, hey rands." Stu greeted, holding his cat in his arms , "Hey, stu. What do you remember about last night?" Randy questioned

"Remi hit her head last night." Billy said ,"Is she okay?" Stu asked, worried about remi

"Yeah, she's fine, playing video games at my house, in my room but that's not important. What do you remember?" Randy asked,

"Nothing. I drank too much and blacked out." Stu told him, and Randy sighed in relief, "Okay! I'm leaving now, bye!" Randy rushed out of the house

"That was fucking weird." Billy grumbled and stu nodded ,"you think remi is okay?"

"We'll check on her after."
- - - - -
"Remi!" Startled remi fell off the bed and hit her head against the desk next to Randy's bed ,"ow!"

"Hey, well at least we can sell the lie now." Randy told her and she narrowed her eyes at him. "And I've got good news. Billy and stu don't remember a thing! They don't know that three of you had a threesome." He said

"What?" She stood up and sat down, "I went over and asked them." Randy said, and her eyes widened ,"Are you insane?"

"Maybe, but it's good news! You should be happy." Randy said, and remi frowned , " I had sex with them, Randy. I had an affair with them. They cheated on Sidney and Tatum because of me."

"If it makes things any better, they were blacked out drunk same as you. It was pretty much nobody's fault but the alcohols." Randy told her

Remi groaned and fell back on the bed, and Randy did the same.

"Do you remember if they used condoms?" Remi groaned ,"seriously?"

"Hey, the it takes one time to make a baby is a thing, okay? I just don't want you to end up in teen mom. " Randy told her, and remi sighed ,"No, I mean, I didn't see any, but who's knows."

"But would you stay by my side if..you know?" Remi quietly questioned, and Randy looked at her

"Of course. Best friends for life , remi." Remi smiled

"Best friends for life, Randy."
Word count - 1275

Hope you enjoy!

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