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REMI AND TRENT BECAME A COUPLE AFTER A FEW DAYS OF DATING. Remi seemed to be happy with Trent. That pissed off Billy and stu. It seemed like she had never had any more time for them since she's spending all her time with Trent.

It was always Trent this, Trent that and Billy and stu couldn't take it anymore. They moved Trent to the top of the list. He was the first one they were going to kill before they murder Casey and steve.

They were going to kill tonight. They just have to make sure that remi wasn't with Trent. They didn't want to hurt her at all, nor did they want her interfering.

It would be easier said than done. Remi and Trent were inseparable since they started dating. The only time when they weren't together was when they were at home sleeping.

They needed an idea to keep remi away from Trent, and they had just the perfect plan.

"Remi!" Stu walked over to her. He forced a smile at Trent, "Oh, Hey. What's up?" Remi asked

"Can I talk to you in private?" He asked, and remi nodded ,"Sure. Be right back, Trent." She stood up and leaned down, pressing a kiss to Trent lips

"Hurry back." Trent told her, and she smiled at him before she walked somewhere more private with stu.

"What are you doing tonight?" Stu questioned, "I'm going over to trents house to watch a movie with him." Remi replied

"Why?" She asked, "Well, you haven't been hanging out much with your friends, and we just wanted to hang out with you." Stu told her

"I'm sorry, stu, but I will hang out with you guys this weekend. Trent is going to go visit his grandparents." Remi replied

"Oh, well, I guess we can wait until tomorrow." Stu said with a small smile, and remi nodded ,"Okay. See you later, dude." She walked away and back to Trent.

Stu sighed before he went to find Billy. He found him smoking behind the school. "That's bad for you." Stu told him

"Like I give a shit. So?" Billy asked, throwing his cigarette on the ground. "So? Trent is leaving tomorrow to go visit his grandparents. Remi's gonna spend the whole weekend with us." Stu excitedly said, and Billy rolled his eyes

"Did you stop her from going to Trent house tonight?" He impatiently asked and stu frowned, "No."

"Jesus fuck! You had one job, stu." He growled out ,"I'm sorry, but remi scares me." Stu told him, and Billy sighed

"Alright, fine! I have another plan."
- - -
Remi was getting ready to head over to Trent house when the phone rang. She debated on ignoring it but it could be her dad calling and saying that he was going to be late.

He had a meeting with someone for his new comic book. She walked over and picked up the phone, answering it.


"Hello." Creepy voice on the phone? Remi knew to hang up on that and so she did.

"Right. Like I'm going to fall for that." She scoffed before she walked out of her room.

Outside of her house ,Billy and stu were in complete disbelief. "We should've seen this coming." Stu spoke up watching as remi left her house.

"Fuck." Billy cursed, "should we kill him another time?" Stu asked

"No. It has to be tonight. We'll just knock out remi if we have too." Billy told him and stu nodded

"She's gonna be pissed."
- - - - -
Remi looked through the movie's that Trent had. "It. Nightmare on Elm Street. The blob." She listed off

"Ooh! Dracula!"Trent chuckled ,"We'll watch that one first." He said, grabbing the movie to put it on.

The phone rang ,"I'll get it." Remi said reaching her hand out and grabbing the phone.


"Hello." It was that creepy voice again,"pass me to Trent, now."

Remi was definitely going to hang up,"if you hang up on me. I will kill both of you!" Her hand clenched around the phone

Trent looked at her, noticing the way she tensed. Something told him to double check if his doors were locked and to check on Amelia.

"Fuck off, Asshole." Remi spat out before hanging up and Billy was seriously losing it.

He called the number again and remi ignored it. He growled , "That's it. That's fucking it. Trent is dead. Knock her out and kill his sister." Billy demanded and stu nodded.

Trent headed back downstairs after checking on his sister making sure she was okay. Which she was but she kicked him out of her room.

"Hey, re-" he cut himself off he heard a crashing sound and he rushed the rest of the way down. "Remi!"

"Trent!" He followed her voice and found her in the kitchen fighting off a person dressed as father death.

"Remi!" He rushed forward but another appeared and attacked him with a knife. Trent dodged the knife, "shit!"

"Trent! Remi!" Amelia shouted from upstairs, "Amelia stay upstairs! And call 911!" Trent yelled dodging his attacker attempts to stab him.

Remi kicked her attacker back making them trip and hit their head against the counter , knocking them out.

"Trent!" She rushed forward to help Trent, throwing the attacker to the ground, she grabbed Trent and they both ran upstairs.

"Shit!" One of the attackers grabbed Trent leg making him trip , "Trent."

The attacker stabbed Trent in the back and he let out a yell , and remi's eyes widened before she let go of Trent before punched the attacker in the face, and the attacker was falling but they grabbed onto remi pulling her down as well.

They both rolled down the stairs and remi felt all the breath in her body leaving as her back roughly hit the hardwood floor.

"Remi!" Trent shouted, trying to get up but he couldn't. Remi gasped and coughed before she felt an intense burning pain.

She lifted her head and saw the knife the attacker had was impaled right in her chest , below her breast.

It wasn't until she began to cough up blood that she finally resigstered what was happening.

Billy was frozen. He didn't mean for it to happen. Stu stumbled into the hallway and he froze seeing remi with a knife in her chest but she was still alive

"Oh my god!" Amelia shout broke them out of their trance and billy quickly stood slightly wincing and he silently apologized to remi as he pulled the knife out.

Stu rushed over and grabbed remi hands and put them over her chest before he stood up and rushed away with billy as they heard police sirens.

"Help...remi..."Trent breathed out, and Amelia nodded and rushed down the stairs and her knees hit the wooden floor and she put pressure on remi's wound.

"Help! In here! Please! We need help!"
Word count - 1152

Hope you enjoy!

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