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BILLY'S AND STU'S PLAN FAILED YET SUCCEEDED IN A WAY. Trent was gone. He wasn't dead, which was disappointing, but he left after what happened.

He was paralyzed from the waist down due to Billy stabbing him the back, and his parents decided to move out of woodsboro in fear of the attacker coming back.

Trent didn't want to leave without saying goodbye to remi, but she was currently in a coma. He left her a letter instead.

Remi had woken up a couple of days after Trent left, but her dad didn't give her the letter until a couple of days later when she was feeling a bit better.

"Dad, what's this?" She questioned, "it's a letter from Trent. He told me to give it to you when you woke up, but I decided to give it to you when you felt a little better." Walter told her

"Oh." Remi opened the letter and recognized Trents messy handwriting.

"I'm sorry it has to be like this, remi, but I'm leaving. I wanted to tell you in person and say goodbye, but you were in a coma. I hope you get better soon.

I know we've been dating for a couple of days, but those days were the best days of my life. I'm sorry for breaking up with you in a letter, but we can't be together anymore, remi.

I'm sorry. Goodbye, remi."

"Remi?" She looked up at her dad, her eyes shining with tears ,"he broke up with me." It was her first heartbreak, and it was through a letter.

"Oh, sweetheart." Walter pulled her into his embrace, and she cried into his shoulder.

After reading the letter, remi spent her days moping in the hospital room. The nurses and doctors tried cheering her up with the good news that she could go home.

It did cheer her up a bit, but she was still heartbroken. She understood, though. She understood why he left, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt any less.

Her friends have been visiting every day. Billy and stu seemed guilty, especially Billy. Remi would've found it suspicious if she wasn't focused on her breakup.

Currently, Billy and stu were over helping her get her stuff ready so she can go home later.

"What's this?" Billy questioned, grabbing a letter ,"Trents letter." Remi replied

"You still have it? Thought you would've burned it." Billy said, glaring at the letter in his hand

"I'll burn it for you." He offered," with the rest of your Elvis stuff." He added

"My Elvis stuff!" Remi looked at him ,"Oh right. I tried to stop him from being an overzealous jerk. He threw everything that you owe of Elvis in a box labeled burn it to hell." Stu told her

"What?" Remi glared at Billy, who raised his hands in surrender ,"Hey. You chose Elvis over me. My feelings were hurt." Remi chuckled before she laughed

"I can't believe you're jealous of Elvis. The guy died in 1977, Billy. Get over it." She told him

"Never." Remi chuckled, shaking her head, and Billy and stu smiled ,"but I'm still burning this letter." Billy told her, and she shrugged

"Do as you please with it, but burn my Elvis stuff, and you can kiss that precious hair of yours goodbye." She threatened

Billy gasped ,"You wouldn't." He narrowed his eyes at her ,and she smirked ,"Oh, but I would."

"She most definitely will." Stu spoke up, finding the whole thing amusing.

"Fine. I'll just burn the letter." Remi frowned ,"Hey, you okay?" Stu questioned, brushing some her hair to the side.

"Trent was a good guy, I liked him..like a lot. I feel bad about what happened to him. I hope whoever attacked us rots in hell." She said, Billy, and stu shared a look.

Oh, they're definitely rotting in hell for what they're doing, for what they did.

"We're sorry about Trent." Stu told her, and she sighed, "well, it was a sign that I shouldn't be dating." She said

"Maybe it was a sign that he just wasn't the right guy for you. " Billy told her, "Yeah. The only guy I've only ever need is Elvis." Remi said

"Hey, what about us?" Stu asked, slightly pouting ,"Elvis for life. Sorry, boys." She told them

"That's just mean." Billy grumbled, and remi let out a small laugh ,"kidding! You two plus my geek are the only boys I've ever need in my life." She told them

Billy and stu smiled, "Hey, pack that as well." She ordered

"Yes ma'am!"
- - - - - -
Remi was finally back home after weeks in the hospital. She was told to take it easy, but she wasn't about to be lying in bed all day.

"Are you comfortable?" Walter questioned , looking at remi who was sitting on the couch, "Yeah."

"That's good." He said as the doorbell rang. "You stay right there."

"Not like I could go anywhere without any help." She replied, and Walter chuckled ,"Right. I forgot."

Walter went over to the front door and opened it ,"Hi, Mr. Hart." Sidney greeted

"Hello, Sidney, Tatum. Boys," he greeted, "Come in." He told them, stepping aside and letting them

"Remi! It's your friends!" Walter said, closing the door. "I'm in the living room." Remi replied

"I'll be in my office. If you kids need anyone, just yell." Walter told them before he walked away.

"We brought movies!" Randy announced, "What kind?" Remi asked

"Horror, duh." Randy replied, "How are you feeling?" Sidney questioned

"I'm okay." Remi replied, looking at the movies that Randy brought.

"Are you in pain?" Stu asked, "just a little, but it'll pass." Remi replied

"Which one do you want to watch first?" Billy asked ,peering over her shoulder and looking at the movies, his face inches away from hers.

Remi didn't think much about it, but Billy couldn't keep his heart from racing and beating loudly in his chest.

"Pumpkinhead." She replied, and Randy took the movie. She turned her head and looked at Billy. He looked at her, and he had to fight the urge to kiss her, but then he remembered what he did to her.

"You're gonna keep standing or sit?" She questioned, and Billy jumped over the couch, sitting next to remi.

"Hey! Careful. We have an injured friend here!" Tatum told him, "Sorry." Billy apologized

"Wow, Billy apologizing? That's new." Randy said, "it is." Remi nodded in agreement

"I apologize all the time." Billy scoffed, crossing his arms ,"against your will." Stu spoke up with a small laugh

"Well, I apologized, didn't i!?" Remi let out a small laugh ,"Yeah, you did, and then you complained about it."

"Popcorn! We need Popcorn!" Randy suddenly announced

"In the pantry with the rest of the snacks. Bring me some chocolate ice cream , would ya? It's in the freezer." Remi asked

"Sure, anything for you, my gothic punk queen." Randy told her, and remi giggled

"Thank you, my Greek. "
Word count - 1164

Hope you enjoy!

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