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REMI LOOKED THROUGH THE MOVIES AT STU'S HOUSE. "The night of the comet, Frankenstein, fright night, The goonies, Carrie-"

"Carrie! Let's watch that one!" Mckenzie said, cutting off remi ,"yeah!" Others drunkenly cheered ,"Alright, Carrie, it is." Remi said.

Mckenzie was sitting in between Billy and stu on the couch. Billy had a beer in hand, and so did stu, while Mckenzie had a root beer.

After putting the movie on, remi sat on the floor by stu's legs, grabbing a root beer.

Remi and Mckenzie spent the whole movie at stu's house before they had to leave.

"I'll drive you two home." Billy said ,"You've been drinking." Remi told him, "like one beer. I'm sober, enough to drive." Billy told her

"Uh-huh. Walk on a straight line." Billy rolled his eyes but showed remi that he was sober as he walked in a straight line.

"So?" Billy asked ,"Alright." Mckenzie took ahold of remi's hand as they walked out of stu's house into the cold night.

Remi had taken off her jacket and gave it to Mckenzie. "That's stu's car." Remi said

"Took his keys. He wouldn't mind, plus he can't drive it until he gets his driver license." Billy told her , holding the door open for Mckenzie to get in the back. He closed the door and held the passenger door open

"Thanks, Billy." Billy only smiled before closing the door before getting into the car and starting it.

"Wait, do you have your driver license?" Remi asked ,"No." Billy shook his head

"I'm joking. I do, in fact, have my driver's license." Billy told her, showing her his driver's license

"Aw! You look so cute in this photo, Billy." Remi smirked ,"let me see." Mckenzie said, and remi handed her the driver's license.

"You do!" Mckenzie exclaimed, laughing ,"I do not." Billy tsk, grabbing his driver's license

"Well, congratulations on getting your driver's license, Billy. Ever think of getting a car? Your birthday is coming up soon." Remi asked as billy started to drive

"Not really. I've been saving up but I haven't thought much about it." Billy replied

"What's your favorite car?" She asked ,"I don't have a favorite car. A car is a car." Billy said

"He kinda looks like an impala kinda guy." Mckenzie butted in, "you know what. I think kenzie is right, you do look like an impala kind of guy." Remi said

"How do you even know what an impala is?" Billy asked ,"I may be five but I'm not stupid plus my mom said she likes impalas, Told me all about them." Mckenzie replied


It didn't take long for them to arrive at remi's house. "Thanks for the ride , billy." Remi said

"No problem, remi." Billy told her with a small smile ,"night, billy." Mckenzie said getting out of the car. "Night, Mackie." Billy said

"Get home safe, okay?" Billy nodded before he smirked ,"give me a good night kiss?"

Remi rolled her eyes ,"I'll give you a chocolate bar." She said, handing him the chocolate bar. "I'll take it." She chuckled

"Night, billy." She said before getting out of the car ,"night, remi."

Billy waited until Remy and Mckenzie were inside of the house before driving back to stu's house.

"How was trick or treating?" Eleanor asked ,"it was great! I got loads of candy and we went to stu's party and I drank beer!" Mckenzie exclaimed

Teenage dirtbag || Scream 1996 || Billy loomis & Stu Macher Where stories live. Discover now