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THE GUILT WAS EATING REMI ALIVE. SHE COULDN'T HANDLE IT ANYMORE. she couldn't even look at Billy and stu. She was getting distant from them. She couldn't even be near Tatum and Sidney.

The guilt was too much, and it was making her sick. Billy and stu were confused and angry at remi for avoiding them.

Their anger was too much that they up their game a bit and killed even more people.

Currently, Billy and stu were in remi's front porch. Stu rang the doorbell, and Mckenzie opened the door, smiling at them.

"Hi, remi's upstairs in her room. She's not feeling great." She told them, letting them inside, and she closed the door, locking it.

"Just knock before you enter her room." She said before she went back to the living room.

Billy and stu shared a look before they headed upstairs. Billy softly knocked on remi's bedroom door, "who is it?"

"It's Billy and stu. Can we come in?" Billy asked ,"shit!" They heard remi curse. They shared a look as they heard small thud. "Uh, doors open."

They walked inside of her room. It seemed a bit messier than she usually has her room.

"Are you okay?" Stu asked, worriedly looking at remi who was sitting on her bed with a messy outfit and messy hair. She looked like a zombie with how dark her eyes were.

"Y- yeah, I'm perfectly fine." She nervously chuckled ,"what are you two doing here?" She asked

"Why are you avoiding us?" Billy questioned, narrowing his eyes at her ,"what?" She scoffed

"I'm not ignoring you guys. That's coming ridiculous!" She said, with a small nervous laugh

"Right, then why haven't you spoken to us in three days?" Billy questioned, leaning closer to remi

"Because I've been sick for three days, bitch." She said, pushing him away ,"jerk." Billy said , a small smile on his face.

"How are you feeling?" Stu asked, and remi shrugged, "I've been puking my guts out for three days and my sleep schedule is shit."

"Do you have a fever? Are you taking medication?" Stu questioned, "I don't have a fever and I just took some pain medication for my head that's all. Eleanor made an appointment for me for later." She replied

"We missed you, you know." Stu confessed, sitting down next to her , "we thought you were mad at us." He added

"I'm not." Remi told them , "don't avoid us next time. We can take care of you when you're sick." Billy told her , slightly pushing her to the side to sit next to her.

"Don't push me." She said, slightly glaring at Billy,  "you pushed me first." Billy retorted

"Don't you two need to spend time with your girlfriends?" She asked, "Nope. We rather hang out with you. " stu told her ,laying his head on her lap

"Just until my doctor's appointment, alright?" Billy and stu smiled

- - - - - -
Remi was absolutely nervous. It has been almost a week since she had sex with billy and stu and her sickness started.

"It's probably nothing." Eleanor told her in a reassuring voice ,"unless your diagnosed with cancer then you're fucked." Mckenzie spoke up

"Mckenzie! Where did you learn that word?" Eleanor questioned, "billy. He said it once when there wasn't any more chocolate bars." Mckenzie replied

"Oh trust me , I think I'm fucked." Remi mumbled, "you'll be fine." Eleanor reassured her and remi could only nod her head.

"Remington hart?" The doctor called out ,"it's just remi." Remi said, standing up ,"right. We're ready for you."

The doctors did different test on remi when they finally asked the question she was dreading, "are you sexually active?"

"W-what?" Remi asked ,"how much sex have you been having?" The doctor asked

"Uh..I um...a virgin until a week ago when I got drunk..." Remi trailed off and the doctor nodded ,"right. Morning sickness? Smells disgust you?" Remi nodded

"And my sleep schedule is shit." She said ,"I'm going to take a pregnancy test, I need more blood from you." Her doctor told her

"Uh, yeah. Take as much as you want."
- - - -
Randy was peacefully relaxing in his room when remi walked into his room. "I'm pregnant."

"Can you repeat that? It sounded like you said you're pregnant." Randy said and she looked at him clearly she was still in shock

"They didn't wear condoms." She laughed , "they didn't fucking wear condoms, randy. I'm fucking pregnant. Can you fucking believe that? "She continued to laugh and randy thought that she had officially lost it.

"I can't believe it randy. I can't be pregnant." She sat down next to him ,"you went to the doctors?" She nodded

"They took a pregnancy test. I'm...pregnant." remi whispered

"Holy shit! They didn't wear a condom after all." Randy said, "I have a baby growing inside of me. A baby that is half mine, half Billy's and half stu's." Remi said turning her head to face him

"What am I going to do? I have to tell my dad and my dad's gonna want to know who the father is and I'm going to have to tell him that's its billy and stu and then I have to them and they're all going to hate me." She rambled

"You can always just run away, change your name and never tell anyone." Randy suggested, "I can't do that! It's too much work." Remi told him

"I don't know if I'm ready to be a mom. I'm only seventeen, almost eighteen. Billy's eighteen and stu's seventeen and he'll be eighteen couple months after me. Neither of us are ready to be parents." She said

"How do you know for sure? I mean they could be ready or at least try? You know they would do anything for you."Randy told her

"The three of you have been friends for years. Just tell them, okay? I'll be right by your side if you need me to." Randy said

Remi nodded, smiling, "I love you so much, My geek!" She threw her arms around him and randy laughed, hugging her back.

"I love you too, My Gothic punk queen."
Word count - 1029

Hope you enjoy!

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