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REMI GROANED AS THE SUNLIGHT HIT HER CLOSED EYES. she turned on her side to block the sunlight from hitting her face when she accidentally bumped into another body. Her eyes snapped open, and she let out a small scream

"Ow!" She looked down at where Billy had landed when she kicked him off the bed. "Why am I on the bed? Next to you?" She questioned

"Oh, I put you there after tripping over you last night when I got up to use the bathroom." Billy replied, lying on the floor. "Why did you kick me so hard? And why did you kick me?" He asked

"Oh, I'm sorry, but when I went to sleep, I was on the floor, and I woke up next to you. How do you think I was going to react? Hug you?" Billy removed his arm from over his eyes and nodded ,"Yeah?"

Remi huffed ,"may I remind you, girlfriend!" She stood up ,"I know, but I wasn't about to let my best friend, who's a girl I've known since childhood, sleep on the floor. Sid would understand." Billy said, standing up

"How nice of you, Billy." Billy smiled ,"I know, right?" Remi laughed, shaking her head ,"I'm gonna borrow some clothes." Billy just nodded

"Ooh! Can we pass by McDonald's before school?" Remi questioned, "Sure. As long as you don't order all the chicken nuggets." Remi smirked ,"No promises."

Remi headed into the bathroom, closing the door behind. Billy smiled before he looked over as someone crawled through his window. "Morning, Billy. " stu greeted ,"morning stu."

"Remi here?" Stu asked, noticing her boots, and Billy nodded, "in the shower." Stu smirked ,"you sly dog." Billy rolled his eyes

"We didn't do anything, plus she slept on the floor." Stu gasped ,"you let her sleep on the floor? Our poor remi?" Billy sighed

"She wouldn't take the bed when I offered something about a girl code or some shit." Billy told him , "Girl code sucks. We can't do anything we used to do with Remi because of this stupid girl code. " Billy complained,

"Girl code sucks." Stu said in agreement. As remi came out of the bathroom, she wore blue jeans with a belt, with a white t-shirt that she tucked into the jeans.

"Oh, hey, stu. Can you one of you dry my hair?" She asked ,"I'll do it. Billy, go shower." Stu told him, and Billy rolled his eyes before going to the bathroom to shower.

"Thanks, stu. " stu just smiled at her before he started to dry her hair. "So, you and Billy hate this girl code, huh?" Remi asked, slightly amused

"How do you know?" Stu asked, and remi chuckled, "stu, you and Billy, aren't that quiet, and the bathroom isn't soundproof." Remi told him

"Oh." Remi let out a small laugh, and stu finished drying her hair ,"thanks, stu." Remi sat on the bed and grabbed her boots before putting them on as Billy came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist, water dripping from his hair to his chest.

"I forgot my clothes." He said before went over to the drawer. "Dress in the bathroom!" Remi quickly told him as he was about to drop his towel.

"Why? Oh, right. Girl code." Billy rolled his eyes ,"and I don't want to see you naked, Billy. It's too early to see a naked man." Remi replied

Billy smirked ,"Oh. So, if it was a different time, then would you like to see me naked?" Remi scoffed ,"No." Billy tsk before he went to the bathroom to change.

"Lair." Stu whispered, and remi rolled her eyes, pushing him off the bed, and stu laughed

Stu obviously knew of Remi crush on Billy. She had a crush on him since they were kids, but what Stu didn't know was that remi also had a crush on him. She had a crush on both of them. How couldn't she?

But she couldn't be with them. It would ruin their friendship, and plus Billy and stu had girlfriends. She would just rather be their friend. Maybe she would find someone.

"Hey, you okay?" Stu questioned, sitting down next to her, and remi looked at him, nodding her head.

"Yeah," Billy walked out of the bathroom wearing dark blue jeans with a black t-shirt and red flannel.

Remi looked at stu's outfit, and he was wearing dark blue jeans with a black sleeve shirt underneath his white t-shirt with brown boots similar to Billy's.

Billy put his boots on before grabbing his school bag ,"you two dimwits, ready?"

"Yeah," stu nodded, standing up ,"Absolutely! But let's pick up my geek before we head to McDonald's. " remi told them, standing up

"You mean Randy? You need to stop calling him your geek when he's not even your boyfriend." Billy told her, and she grinned, "yet."

"What?" Both boys stared at her with raised eyebrows, and she shrugged ,"he's cute."

"Yeah, absolutely not." Stu told her with a shake of his head. "Yep, I have to agree on stu with this one. Stay as far away from that geek." Billy said

"No way. Randy's cool. Come on, let's go get McDonald's."
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Randy feared for his life as stu and Billy were glaring at him. Remi was drinking her soda through a straw, and Randy leaned closer to her ,"I thought you were supposed to just make Billy pissed off?"

"Yeah, but stu was on my list. So I'm like, why i don't I hit two birds with one shone?" She whispered to him with a grin

"You owe me." He whispered, "Aw! I love you too, my pokie bear." Billy choked on his drink while stu's eyes widened, and remi laughed

"Your faces." Billy and stu glared at her but couldn't help but smile. Randy shook his head, amused.

These were the moments he lived for. He would probably be on his way to school instead of being in McDonald's if remi didn't decide to beat up his bullies and become friends with him.

He was glad she became his best friend. "I just have to ask. Are you two ever going to date?" Stu suddenly questioned

"Remi and I in a platonic relationship." Randy told him, and remi nodded, throwing an arm over his shoulder and pulling him closer, and she kissed his cheek ,"Yeah."
- - -
The four of them arrived at school, and Sidney and Tatum went up to Billy and stu, greeting them, completely ignoring remi and Randy.

"Oh, baby, I missed you so much." Remi mocked, "I missed you more!" Randy mocked before the two of them laughed

"Would you two geeks fuck off?" Tatum huffed, "it would be our pleasure to fuck off." Remi said, and Randy nodded

"Bye!" Both of them quickly walked off , "Hey! Watch out!" Someone yelled, and remi let out a small yell as someone collided with her.

"Oh my god! Are you okay! I'm so sorry.." remi winced and lifted her head, freezing as she met green eyes

"Hi." It was a teenage boy that she had never seen before, but something about him just made her heart start racing.

"H- hi."
Word count - 1206

Hope you enjoy!

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