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⚠️TW a little more blood stuff like that (only for like a few seconds but still better safe than sorry)

"Beep. Beep. Beep...." Continuously went the radars.

Members of a humongous ship among the other nine were asleep peacefully on beds. But the mastermind behind it all, who was still awake, couldn't bother to sleep, even if he wanted to. He sat in a comfy roller chair with several screens and radars above in front of him. The blue light glowed in front of Ercole's face as he studied what he saw.

"I'll kill every sea monster I know to this country, and I won't stop until I get every last one, I will die doing so if I must..." He declared to himself. "Watch your back, Spewlia..."

"Visconti." Said a voice from the distance. The echoes rung louder as a teammate of his walks up to him.

Ercole rose his hand, signaling the person to stop.

"Cosa?" He asked sternly, not even bothering to look back.

"....We've lost all trackings of sea monsters around this area, sir..." Said the teammate.

"You think I don't know that, idiota? Not that I'm even worried about that, ragazzo, we have the advantage."

"Come mai?"

"I've learned a little something from two of Spewlia's vagrant friends....they can shapeshift to look like humans when they're dry."

"If that is true, how will we differentiate them?"

"You let me take care of that....I have this hunt wrapped around my finger....just like my father long ago....he would be so proud of me."

"What should we do tomorrow morning?"

"We continue our search. Look through every nook and cranny of this pathetic town. Find those monsters. I want to see scales stuck to harpoons and blood dripping down the tips....you understand?" Ominously said Ercole.



In the darkness of the night at the heart of town, with nothing but little lights to illuminate it, Luca, Giulia, and Guido were cautiously hiding behind tall plants that they placed in front of a building that was a distance behind the fountain, where they could see things happening, ready to give signals to the volunteering townspeople. The three peeked their heads at any open space where they can look through the plants and observe the action. Three motorboats had one man in each, yielding a harpoon in their grasps.

"Did Alberto have any luck finding people to do this?" Giulia quietly asked to Guido, not bothering to look at him.

"Si." He replied. "He got Mrs. Aragosta and a couple other sea folks."

"What about humans?"

"I got an old friend to help out, along with a few other humans. We got it all covered. Don't worry."

Giulia sighed to relax. "I know. It's just this plan needs to go perfectly, or we're all going to be victims of Ercole's display."

Luca, in the pitch black distance, noticed Alberto's glowing green eyes, which he knew it was time to commence to plan and that he was in his sea monster form. Alberto was able to draw him out from his view as Luca raised his arm, giving him a thumbs up. He returned one.

"He's here." Whispered Luca to Giulia.

"Good. Guido, get them out here."

"Mhm." Guido nodded, discreetly escaping the hiding spot, making sure to stay hidden as he got the humans for the plan.

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