1: Cocoapuffs and friends are jerks

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Nico's pov:

It all started after Will and I defeated Nyx. We got back to Camp with Bob the giant and Small Bob the saber toothed tiger. (who is no longer 'small'). The camp was empty but soon we started to get new campers arriving, and old ones returning. We had gotten a group that consisted of three demigods, two twin sisters who's godly parent is Ares. They both had long dark brown hair and red\bronze eyes and tan skin. It isn't enough to say they are a couple of BRATTY ten-year-olds. The other demigod is a son of Apollo. The kid was odd. He was albino, with tan skin and bright red eyes. His hair was pure white. (His skin is tan from being in the sun a lot.). He was ok, i guess but a bit... weird. But that's what they all think of me, so I guess I cannot judge him like that.

Yeah. So they arrived and i didn't know they were at Camp, and I accidentally shadow travelled behind Will's new brother and nearly killed him with my Stygian iron sword. That was great, and it completely OBLITERATED any good part of my reputation, as I may or may not have broken his arm. Ever since that Will has been avoiding me. Then that led to the others slowly drifting away from me. Even Chiron has became extra distant.

And to make the matters worse, that just made my Cocoapuffs spend MORE time with me, and they chased anyone who got to close. Among them are Grief, Guilt, Fear, Shame, Misery, Depression, Anxiety, and a whole bunch more of them. I loved them when i first got them, and now they make me miserable. 

"Hey! It's dinner!" One of the Stoll brothers burst into my cabin interrupting my thoughts. I sit up out of my bed to glare at him, my dark hair falling into my face. I don't bother to move it though. "Uhhh...," the brother i now recognized as Connor Stoll stutters, "I'm going to go eat, see ya." He nervously backed out of the Hades Cabin, darkness enclosing on the room as the shadow leaped towards me, sensing my grumpiness.

"Uhhg...." I groan. I didn't want to go to eat with everyone else. I just wanted a break from being interrupted, and ignored. (When the words are italic like this, its Nico's thoughts!!) Wait... what if I go to the Underworld!The ghosts can't be judgmental, and if they are, I'll send them to Tartarus.... No Nico! No Tartarus! No one deserves to go there! 

(TW: panick attack!) At the thought of Tartarus my heart skips a beat, and my breathing speeds up. A tear slips out of my eyes, then another, and another until my eyes sting. I start rocking back and forth taking quick shallow breaths.

  Nyx's Mansion of Night loomed in front of me, the insects it was made up of swirling. The so-called trees seemed to emit darkness and fear as the goddess of the night walked up to me. She was completely black with two huge wings that spread ten feet each when fully extended. Her hundreds of children yelled for death. MY death. 'No! Nonononono!' I think rapidly as the goddess picks me up and hissed at me. 

'Foolish demigod. Even you a son of Hades could never survive me. Your so-called 'friends' will not save you. Now or ever. They will hate you with every fiber of their beings, for failing them and unleashing all the horrors of Tartarus into the mortal world' 

Images of carnage and war flash in front of my eyes: the Minotaur, finally managed to kill Percy, impaling the son of the sea god on his un-broken horn. Arachne slowly sucking the life out of Annabeth. Hazel fighting an army of cyclops to try to save Frank as the son of Mar's stick burnt up. Leo and Piper fighting Medusa, just for Leo to accidentally set Piper ablaze, and then took look upon Medusa, and turn to stone. Then worst of all, the demigod I felt most comfortable with, telling his friends to run before being stabbed through the back twice by the ruthless Caligula. Nyx's horrible laugh filled the air.

No! Wake up! Snap out of it! I slow my breathing, tears streaming down my now flushed cheeks. But all the memories come rushing back reminding me of every failure and death i had allowed to happen. 

My mother, being killed by Zeus. Percy telling me that my sister had died, and that it was my fault (a

: Nico thinks Percy said it was his fault because she died getting Nico a Mytho Magic figure, which made Nico feel like it was he fault.) Me betraying Percy for my father, Jason Grace's death, and so many more. 

I start crying again, as voices in the shadows whisper, slowly getting louder. "It's all your fault!" They yell. "You are not worthy." "No, they don't want you!" (A

: Nico is imagining these things, remembering the souls in the Cocytus, the River of lamentation.)

"NO! STOP IT!" I yell at the shadows, and then curl up again on his bed and start to breathe quickly again. The Cocoapuffs had curled up in one of the bed in a corner of the black cabin. Even they were getting nervous about my panic attack.

(End of panic attack)

"Nico?!" Will bursts into the room, shocked to see me having a panic attack on my bed. He runs up to me and starts stroking my back. "Hey. I heard you yelling, so I came as quick as I could. Are you okay?" I sniffle, then nod slowly, as my breathing goes back to normal. I look up at his tan, freckled face, his mesmerizing blue eyes. Then i look away feeling guilty for worrying him. 

"No. I'm fine." I say a little to coldly. I wince as I notice his face twist with hurt. "Sorry. It came out wrong I'm just so angry with myself and everything." I apologize quickly. He gives me a small smile.

"No, I know. It is frustrating. They just don't understand. You know, being to Tartarus and back. It makes me frustrated to. They think I'm just a sweet innocent doctor. They don't understand how much being there can change a person." He brushes some of my hair out of my face. "Just come eat dinner real quick."

"Fine." I sigh. "Just let me-,"

"NO shadow traveling, Nico." Will interrupts.


"Doctor's orders."

"Fine," i groan as he drags me out of my cabin.

When we get to the Pavilion, we both sits down at the Hades table because the whole Apollo cabin — aside from Will— has been really uncomfortable around me after the Shadow Travel Incident.

I walk to the fire and scrape the biggest piece of steak into the fire... well, the whole thing. I don't eat much, and cannot eat much, since I am so used to functioning on low amounts of food. (If you count Nico as 'functional'). Will isn't happy about that though, and frequently was giving lectures on the topic.

Will glares at me as i walk up to my table with my pitiful amount of food: five small potatoes, and half a glass full of water. "We are going to have a talk about this later, Death Boy." He says sternly. I sigh. It's pointless to argue with the stubborn boy.

An hour later we finished dinner, along with a lecture on healthy eating habits. I head back to my cabin and as soon as close the door i fall on the gray wooden floor in pain.

Nico. Listen. I hear my father's authoritative voice speak into my head, giving me a headache. "Yes father?" I ask as i stand up and quickly walk to my bed and lay down, preparing for the blistering headache that would come next. 

I need you to come to the Underworld so i can speak to you with out giving immense head pains.

"Ok. Yeah. I'll do that." I say aloud. And with that, i get up, groaning, and walk into a shadow and step into it. Then i feel the ground giveaway under me as I shadow travel to the Underworld. Then i feel my feet touch hard dark marbled floors.

"I need to tell you something," Hades looks at me from his black obsidian throne. "The gods owe you for how many times you have come to save the other hero's." Hades droned on, looking bored. "We are going to each give you a few blessings, yeah, so head to Olympus so you can receive them."

"Uhhh ok." I respond. I DID NOT expect that. I step into the shadows and land at the entrance to the throne room in the palace\temple, right in front on uncle Drama Queen's throne.

"Finally, took you long enough." Grumbled Zeus.

And i will end the first chapter there, my Minions! Enjoy, and check for updates, love you guys!! 


Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now