44: The Angle Saves Lives and Kicks Monster Butt

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How do y'all like the meme? I found it online, it doesn't belong to me btw. Also, do any of you recognize all of these characters? :)

Nico's Pov:

I cursed in Greek as the screen flicked off. YJ— minus Damian— looked at me questioningly. 

"What does he mean?" Wally asked, interrupting the silence. 

"He means that this is something I have to do alone. You guys stay here and I'll go take care of it." I growled.

"Really?" Damian pipped. "Last time you did this you... visited your father." He said, looking at me like I was a lost child.

"Oh, I will be fine! I was caught unexpected last time. Not this time. Plus, I can summon an army of skeletons if I want." I said with an exasperated sigh. 

"No. We will be going with you." Megan spoke up. "You can't do this alone."

I glare at her. "I can, and I will. Just watch me." With that I pulled my wings into existence, snapped them open, used my geokinesis to rip a hole in the mountain and flew out of it. Dramatic exit? Yep.

I flapped my wings a few times to gain more altitude, then did a quick soul search. After about five minutes, I had pinpointed where Tim and Bruce were. I looked around for anything that might cast a shadow big enough for me to travel through.

I looked around at my surroundings. Open ocean, a flock of seagulls, a small island, some clouds. Then I noticed the perfect thing. A boat. It was a cruise ship that I was surprised I didn't see before. I flew over to it, then circled it a few times, then dived for the shadows once I had ensured there were no monsters. As the wind ripped at my feathers, tourists on the boat let out gasps and took pictures as I plummeted to where the shadow of the boat was on the water. 

The moment I got into the shadows, the fibers of time and space warped around me as I thought desperately of my destination: an old boat repair shop near Gotham's harbor. Since I didn't know how close YJ's base is to Gotham, I had resorted to shadow travel.

Suddenly, my world stopped swirling and the shadows belched me out. Right on top of a empousai. The demon-vampire-donkey-machine lady and I screeched at the same time in surprise as i tumbled onto her fiery head. I'm not sure who was more surprised by that, me or her. 

I quickly regained my wits, and leaped off of the hideous creatures flaming head. Why didn't I burn? Hephaestus's gift is useful, I'll leave it at that. The commotion from the little tussle made every monster at the docks —approximately two hundred (I was surprised there were even that many back after we did our annual demigod V.S primordial\god\titan war monster slaying). Every single ugly, deformed, and disgusting monstrosity turned to face me. They were surrounding a pole that had Batsy and BirdBrain tied to it, likely interrogating them on why they were covered in my scent. 

It was an awkward silence for a minute, until I decided to open my big mouth. "What are you going to do, kill me?" I asked sarcastically. Darn it, Percy!

That was one of the monsters main pet peeves. Sarcastic demigods. They froze for a second, then a Cyclops, (an evil one, all of the good ones are collected by Poseidon at some point to go work in the forges of Atlantis), let out a large bellow, and the monsters charged. 

Immediately, my scythe was at my side, and I was slashing monsters down at speeds even the Flash would be jealous of. The empousai I had crash-landed on was suddenly slashing at my side, and I wheeled around at smashed her ugly face in with the blunt end of the scythe. It was an improvement, if you ask me. She screeched as she disappeared into a cloud of gold dust, along with many other monsters unfortunate enough to show up to #DemigodKiller club tonight. A hellhound flung itself at me, but I sung my scythe just in time, and it exploded into a pile of shinny dust. Then two telkhines attempted the same thing, only to be met with the same fate.

After a bit, the monsters were slowly over powering me, so it was time to change to a different plan. I snapped my wings open and ran across the dock, then launched myself in the air just missing yet another empousai's flaming head. I flapped my wing a few times, and flew over the monsters, to a warehouse about a hundred feet away from the docks. Not that far, but the monsters were getting aggravated. 

I quickly dropped out of the sky and landed with a small 'thump'. The monsters stared at me in surprise. "He has wings too? No fair!" The cyclops howled and suddenly a swarm of monsters was upon me. I was tired of playing around with them, so things just got real. I fluttered on top of the warehouse, out of most of the monster's reaches, and stared to put bones together from underwater. My grasp felt cold at first, but as i felt deeper, there was a tugging sensation. One of something massive. It was so big you could feel the earth move as the creatures joints snapped back into place. I raised my hands, welcoming the bone-creature to the surface.

Suddenly, the water erupted and a massive mosasaurus skeleton shot out, drenching all of the monsters, the Bats, and I at once. I watched as it lunged out of the water, jaws snapping. It grabbed the cyclops first, which immediately disintegrated, then started to pick off the monsters biggest to smallest. Sure, it helped but it wasn't able to do much while out of water. So I summoned something else. Something smaller, but even more deadly. The earth quivered slightly as the massive carnotaurus skeleton dragged itself out of the ground and shook the dirt off of its large horned head. What either of these species of dinosaurs had been doing here, even when Gotham wasn't around, (duh, Nico, they were long gone, way before anyone had even though of the word Gotham.) I had no clue. (If you guys are like, 'why the heck are there dinosaurs?', here is an explanation: I wanted Nico to summon something impressive, and I'm to lazy to continue the fight scene.)

Suddenly, the caron's skeleton lunged forwards, and it immediately began ripping through monsters faster than you could say, 'holy Hera.' 

Soon, the carnotaurus and the mosasaurus were coated in golden monster dust, and I was exhausted. I let the dinosaurs head back to their (hopefully) eternal resting places, and flew off the roof to where Tim and Bruce were tied, also covered in a fine layer of monster dust. 

"Thanks Ni— Angle." Red Robin said, and I nodded as I pulled out one of my mortal daggers, not wanting to accidentally suck their souls out, and sliced the ropes, making Bats and Red Robin free.

"lets go back. I'm drained." I said, then grabbed their hands before they could protest, and in seconds we were being yeeted through existence, then spat out onto the floor of my bed room. We landed with a thud, and in seconds Jason and Dick had appeared through the door, Dick worried and Jason curious. I shadow traveled again, this time onto my bed, leaving Bruce and Tim in the middle of the floor. 

"What happened?!" Asked Dick, going Mama-bird mode. 

"As I said a few years ago: 'With great power comes the great need to take a nap. Wake me up later." I groaned. That was met with silence for a moment, then Jason burst out laughing, leaning against the doorframe for support, his eyes starting to water from laughter. The bats stared at him in shock before quickly filing  out of the room, not wanting to deal with a grumpy Nico, and I soon drifted to sleep.

I am SO SORRY, I took forever to update this! I have just been super busy! I had to help prepare for Thanksgiving, my choir had a concert and even though we all had colds, we actually sounded okay, and a hawk killed one of my hens... yea. I've been busy. I just hope it slows down a bit so I can write more! I love you my Minions!❤️


Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now