30: Gotham Academy

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Nico's Pov:

It has been a day since the Cocoapuffs left, and the Bats still seemed a bit surprised about them. The boys (read Jason and Tim), have been asking me questions non stop. It was getting annoying. VERY annoying. 

"Hey, Nico, are you sure you an Nyx didn't-," Jason started.

I turned red. Not only was it extremely embarrassing, but it also made me VERY mad. "WHAT THE HADES IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I shout at him.

"Awwwwe! You are so cute when you're flustered!" Jason teases.


"Suuuuuure.... Keep telling yourself that cutie." Jason grinned slyly.


"Pfffttt suuuuuurrrrreeee!"

(A\N: for any sickos who think Jason is flirting with Nico, or likes him romantically, you are wrong. This is just brotherly teasing. I've heard stuff similar to this from siblings. Except normally they are complaining about their sibling calling them evil. So yea.)

I change my voice to go an octave lower and sound older. "FEAR ME!" The shadow go berserk. Jason pales slightly.

 (Apollo's gift is actually pretty useful. But don't tell him that, we don't need his ego to be raised any higher.)

Just then, Tim walks in with a cup of coffee, and trips on the shadows which were slightly solidified now. 

With a surprised yelp, Tim fell and the coffee flew out of his hand onto Jason. Jason let out an undignified squeal as the hot coffee made contact with his back. 

Jason turned on Tim and started yelling curses at him. I snigger and quickly ran out of the room before Jason realized it was my fault. But to this day, I'm pretty sure he is too thick-headed to realize that.

Time skip because Ninja Butlers are the best butlers. Or should i say Ninja Bat-lers?

It was dinner when Bruce informed me of what would be happening. The conversation went something like this:

Bruce: "Nico. I have something important to inform you of." 

Me: "What is it, Bruce." 

BatBoys: (fighting over a dagger, I assume Damian tried to murder Tim. Again.)

Bruce: (exasperated sigh) "I am going to have you go to Gotham Academy with Damian."

Everyone: (Freezes.)

Me: "WHAT."

Bruce: "Well, you must get an education. It's law."

Me: "WELL. According to the law i didn't legally EXIST until like a week ago."

Bruce: "Nico. Look. We HAVE to put you in school. Anyways, we already got your school supplies. We just need you to take an exam to see which grade to put you in."

Me: "B- uh... Bruce!"

Bruce: "No excuses Nico. Well, here is the exam. And your supplies are by your door." 

Me: (huff) "Fine...."

So now i am on the last problem of the test. I had to remind Bruce about the dyslexia, and he got me a copy of the exam, but in Ancient Greek.

Time skip cause hudntuisrdhnurygbudgrysnuigybdruguibyudiby—(random gibberish continues this way —> )  

"Nico. You are going to be put into sixth grade." Bruce informed me when the results arrived.

Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now