19: Prank Wars Again Along With Freaky Powers

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I stepped out of a shadow in the hallway of the Wayne manor, scowling at what Zeus had said. It was reasonable, which surprised me, because the gods are never reasonable. Which means the Fates were about to turn my life inside-out and rip it to shreds. Grouchy old ladies. I walk down the stairs and look at a clock on the wall. It was 3:05 PM. So i had been gone for an hour. I smirk as i see everyone sitting in the living room, discussing something intensely. Probably deciding what i am. 

"Hi." I say, smirking as i see them all jump up in surprise.

"How did you get up there?!" Dick yells.

"Like this." I shadow traveled in front of him. He stumbled backwards a few steps and ran into the table.

"Sooo.... What did your uncle say, Nico?" Asked Tim.

"He said that if you guys manage to guess it's okay, but if i tell you, we get turned into smeared piles of ash." I respond.

"Hey guys!" Jason says with a smirk after Bruce and Alfred left the room. "Should we resume the Prank Wars?"

We all nodded, grinning. "Okay! Let's go to our rooms and plot each other's demise!" Shouts Tim. Damian facepalms.

Time skip because my cat ate a fly. My cat is gross. (Yes he does catch flies and eat them. I try to get him to stop. He doesn't. It's just part of his instincts, i guess.)

Jason and i decided to team up. We had chosen our prank, and it was a good one. We had basically made the house a giant trap for them. 

Bruce had left on a business trip, and Alfred went back to England to meet with some relatives. So, that meant we had the house to our selves. We had put olive oil outside of the boys doors, so they would slip. Then we put up a trip wire or two in the hall, so when they tripped, it would activate a chain reaction that would cause a toilet plunger, one of the dirtier ones too, to shoot out and hopefully hit one. We had locked the doors from the outside, and snuck back in. We had other traps two. If any of the sinks got turned on, it would spray water all over, until someone managed to turn it off. I had left a skeleton hand in Dick's bed, just as a surprise for later. We had a ton more nasty traps set up, and we were excited to see them come in handy.

I had turned me and Jason in to shadows now, able to talk to each other, but no one else could hear. Jason was surprised, but not scared. Because he was an idiot, and idiots never got scared. That's what made them idiots. So, Jason Todd was an idiot.

 We were waiting in the hall for one of the boys to come out. Damian came out first with an evil grin, but took a step forward and fell over backwards, slipping. He let out a yelp of surprise, triggering the other two to dash out of their rooms, and fall onto their sorry behinds too. 

Tim had been carrying something that looked life lemonade, but obviously was some type of chemical that would make someone faint. Dick had been carrying a bucket, no doubt trying to pull the same prank that I had pulled on Jason. Except his bucket had orange juice in it, to make it extra sticky.

All the boys slowly stood up and glared at each other. I let my hand slip out of the shadows and poke Tim in the back, making him turn around faster than a cat with its tail on fire. He whimpered, took a step forwards, and slipped again. Dick and Damian laughed. Until they both tried to walk, and fell over.

Soon the boys had managed to get up and were walking around the manor. Dick was working on pulling off the plunger that had glued its self to his butt, and Tim and Damian were trying to hold back laughter, and Tim was failing miserably. Jason and i snickered at the sight.

"Where are Jason and Nico?" Asked Tim, once he got over his laughing fit, his face still a bit red with Dick looking like he wanted to choke someone. Probably Jason. Or maybe me.

"Probably watching from the security cameras in the Batcave." Dick said with a shrug.

"In that case, let's check the Batcave. Just in case. Also, Dick you should wash your hands. They're filthy from the plunger on your butt. Or just from your butt." Damian remarked, earning a frown from Dick. Tim snorted.

They walked down the stairs, and Tim tripped on the last step, and accidentally put his foot down too soon, and went flying into the door. Jason and i died of laughter at that moment. So did Damian. It was one of the first times i had heard him laugh. Even if it was because his brother got his head rammed into the door, it was nice to see the kid laughing.

They continued to walk, and made it to the kitchen. Dick turned on the sink and water sprayed into his face making him splutter. He leapt forwards and turned it off, drenched. Tim snickered. Dick looked shocked. And then he looked grumpy.

"When i get Todd he is going to wish Talia never revived him!" Dick growled. Jason looked grumpy again.

"Come on, it's going to be hilarious to watch them look for us." I say, trying to lighten the mood. Which is difficult for me, a child of darkness. 

Time skip cause Kronos was here.

After an hour of watching the three look for us in the Batcave, it got a bit boring. Dick, Damian, and Tim had been super freaked out the whole time, thinking a trap was about to spring.

Jason and i walked behind the boys who had gathered to discuss what was happening.

"One... two... three." I say. Then Jason and i reformed behind them, and but our hands on their backs.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGHHH!!!" They screeched like little girls at the top of their lungs, grabbing each other.

Jason and I feel onto the floor in hysterics. The boys' faces were extremely pale, and they had wide eyes.

"RAAAHHHHH!" Damian screeched and jumped onto Jason and tried to pummel him, but soon Jason was sitting on top of the screeching child. 

"Your fault, demon brat." Jason grumbled, but he was still smirking.


"It's all muscle, not fat." Jason says with a grin. 

Dick walked over, still pale, and pulled Damian out from under Jason. Damian stuck his tongue out at Jason, and Jason stuck his out back. Dick just sighed.

"Alright. You are going to explain what you are to us. NOW." Damian took a menacing step forwards, overly confident that he could scare me. I fixed him with the wolf glare. Percy had taught me how to do it. I quickly sent the message 'don't push it, or i will slowly dissect you then spread out the different parts so far away that nobody will be able to find your body'. It worked and Damian flinched. The shadows were moving in a frenzied way, begging for the death of anyone who threatened their 'master'. I forced them to stay still.

"You just have to guess!" I say with a grin. Damian glared at me.

Time skip because Alfred is the Ninja Butler. 

The Batboys and i were siting in the living room playing 'Twister' together. Tim was sitting with the wheel and Jason, Dick, Damian, and I, were on the plastic mat. We had just convinced Damian to play this 'childish game'. I was stepping over Damian with a leg under Jason, who was stuck on an extremely spread out plank. Dick was in a bridge position, over all of us, grunting at the effort. My arms were crossed over Damian's legs

"NICOLO DI ANGELO, GET THE FRIKEN HADES OUT HERE!" The furious yell made all of us fall in surprise, squishing Damian who let out a startled 'EEP-.'

The relatively dark room lit up as lightning struck nearby. This could only mean one thing. My cousin was here.

"I am screwed." I whimper as i squirm out from under Jason and Dick.

"What?" Asked Tim.

"Her." I whimpered as i heard the door being kicked open.

CLIFFHANGER FOR THE MINIONS!!! Sorry for not having posted in a while! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Love you, my Minions!❤️


Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now