26: Shopping With the Batboys!

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Nico's Pov:

"Hurry up, Todd! Somehow even Drake after forgetting to drink coffee got to the car before you did!" Damian hissed at Jason. Jason hurriedly ran down the stairs, thus causing him to slip on a book. 

Don't even ask me why the book was on the stairs, but my guess is that Tim dropped it there after passing out from being awake too long. 

Jason flew forwards and landed right on Damian who let out a furious shriek and bit Jason's arm.

"OW! WHAT WAS THAT, DEMON!?" He shouted, jumping up and started rubbing his arm.

"You, tell me, Todd." Damian hissed, standing up again.

"Are you guys coming?" I asked, leaning on the front doorway to the manor. Damian huffed and walked towards the door, pushing past me. Jason followed him, glaring daggers at his back. 

"Hi Alfred!" I greet Alfred with a small smile. Alfred smiles back and gets into the car, and soon we were off.

To say the car ride was chaotic was an understatement. Dick wasn't allowed to go in the front seat because he would blast music that everyone but him hated. Jason would start swearing at random people, Tim was basically falling apart due to his lack of coffee and TRUST me when i say NO ONE EVER WANTS TO MESS WITH TIM IF HE HASN'T HAD HIS COFFEE. And Damian and I were too young.

So that meant that we were all in the back. Dick was on the right, Tim in the middle, and Jason was on the left. Damian had to sit on Dick's lap, because if he sat on Jason's, Damian would probably knee him in the crotch, and cause World War 3: Assassin Ninja Army v.s Crazy Psychopathic Undead Killer Man. Not good. 

Which was why i was sitting on Jason's lap, Damian was on Dick's lap, and we were all leaning as close to the doors as possible to avoid the crazy coffee addict. Which was when all Hades broke loose. 

Jason and Damian managed to get into an argument over something so stupid I'm just not even going to say what it was.


It was over how many rubber bands can be wrapped around a watermelon until it explodes. Which ended with Damian and Jason flinging rubber bands at each other, and gradually turning into a slap fight, with them both jabbing at each other. Dick and I tried to stop them, but failed. Then it got WORSE. 

Jason and Damian went for each other at the same time, both missed, and promptly PUNCHED Tim on the back, jerking the depressed puddle out of his somewhat peaceful sleep.

 With an angry growl Tim grabbed Jason and Damian by the collars of their shirts, pulled them both forwards so their heads collided, making them both pass out on impact because of their thick skulls. Then he gave me the side-eye, but fell back asleep before he could kill me.

And that was why my back hurt so much, from being hunched up under Jason's heavy body. Then it got WORSE. 

In his unconscious state, Jason grabbed me and started HUGGING me. Uhg. Then he rested his head on my shoulder and fell over onto Tim, successfully making a Nico sandwich. Tim was also unable to move due to his exhausted state and the weight of the big oaf and I combined.

We soon arrived to the mall with only two slightly concussed idiots, one half-dead coffee addict, an overly cheerful acrobat, and me. I was a relatively grumpy Ghost King. And a weary Ninja Butler, of course.

We first stopped at a clothing store, and i got a few pairs of black pants and shirts. And a huge black hoodie of course.

We soon left that store to get some stuff for my room. 

Jason, Tim, and Damian had all been put in the shopping cart at some point because exhaustion and concussions. It must've looked so weird to anyone walking by. A teenager pushing around a shopping cart with a bigger teenager, a fifteen year old, a ten year old, and some clothes to add to the heap. 

Time skip! Hey stars, sun, moon; Bob said hi, but he is okay now, so he can say hi to y'all by himself this time! We love you Bob! And you too, Small Bob!

By the time we had finished shopping, i had gotten a completely black bed set, some black paint, more clothes, some black furniture, a suit for the upcoming Gala, and a black cat plushie. But don't let Jason know, or I'll NEVER hear the end of it: 'Ohh! The big scary Ghost King has a wittle kitty-cat!' (Shudder.) yikes. 

Also Damian and Jason had woken up. And we got Tim three coffees and he was already begging for more when we left.

We soon arrived home and i quickly ran up to my room to work on redesigning it.

I had painted the walls black, added a black rug, painted the desk black, gotten a new black dresser, and put the new black bed set on my bed. And a new scratch post for Echo. My room finally looked good. The Gala was tomorrow, and i could feel my nervousness skyrocket.

That's it for this chapter! Today was also eventful. Last night i had to stay up all night in my bathroom to make sure the chick didn't have a panic attack from not having any company, so i ended up sleeping in, missing the first couple hours of school and buying a new chick to be with the current chick. After school i had a soccer game for my school, and we won for the first time this season, 9-0!! Love you my Minions!❤️

— A very tiered but happy Anitoly!

Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now