43: The Angel Joins the Kiddie League

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3rd Person Pov:

It had been a month, and Apollo had just finished the treatment, much to everyone's relief. Throughout the month all of the BatKids had visited, even the girls who had been on a girls trip in the country of Who-Knows-Where.

Jason had stopped smoking, even though he looked like he wanted to, he didn't. Will and the other demigods had left, but Will had threatened Jason that if he smoked again, he would hunt him down with a crowbar, and Jason immediately promised not to.

So now we resume our story. 

Nico's Pov:

I sighed as i slipped my skull mask back on. I was going on patrol tonight with Bats and Red Robin, as Dick was watching Jason so that he didn't sneak out to patrol. And Robin had some sort of solo mission.

"Hurry up Angel!" I heard Red Robin yell from somewhere in the BatCave.

"Hurrying!" I yelled back to him as I finished connecting the rib cage around my shirt. I quickly grabbed my xiphos, but not my Styxgian iron one. It was one that Bruce had given me so I wouldn't go around killing everything I touched. I sprinted across the cave to where Batman and Red Robin were standing next to the Batcomputer. 

"Angel." Batman greeted me. He was far more serious as Batman, and he was already pretty serious as Bruce Wayne. 

"Batman." I greeted back, then paused a second before resuming. "So, what are we doing today... or tonight." I corrected myself.

"Angel, I think it's a good idea to have you join Young Justice. I think you could teach them a few things." Batman said abruptly.

"Wait, WHAT?!" I shouted in surprise. He was putting me on the kiddie league? Unacceptable!

(Lol, he sounds so much like Damian right now😂)

"Angel, it is a good idea. You should do it." Red Robin said reasonably. I sighed.

"Fine. But I am not going to be friends with any of them. I know you are trying to get me to socialize." I grumbled, crossing my arms. Man, I just made this way to easy for them.

"Great. Let's head to the mountain now." Batman said before starting to walk towards the zeta tubes. I just blinked in surprise as Red Robin followed him.

"Wait, right now?!" I asked in surprise. The bat just nodded before disappearing in a flash. I was pissed at him now. So I decided in spite of him, instead of using the zeta tubes, I would shadow travel behind him and scare the living Hades out of him. The floor shook a little. Oops, sorry dad.

It wasn't the best idea. Would the league immediately know that I had powers? Yes. Would I get to terrify Batman? Yes. Would I regret it? Never! Okay, I would possibly regret it, but was it worth it? Y E S.

With a smirk, I allowed the shadows to swallow me. A second later I popped up at the mountain, right behind Batman, who had Tim next to him and was facing the little league. They paled as they saw me, but before you could say 'Holy Hera!' I placed my freezing hand on his back. He let out a startled 'manly' yelp, before wheeling around only to see me snickering, with the most evil grin ever. Except, he couldn't see the grin due to the skull, but ehh, whatever.

"N-Angel!" He hissed. The league stood there for a second, the started to giggle, which was rewarded by the infamous Bat-glare. "Why didn't you come through the tubes?" He growled.

"Ehh." He didn't have to know the details.

"Anyways... team, this is your new member, Angel. Red Robin and I have a mission to attend to, so why don't you get to know each other." Bats said, glaring at me. Then he turned around and stalked off, Red Robin following wearily behind.

"Okay...." I said awkwardly, my social anxiety suddenly coming over me.

"Hi!" A girl with green skin and bright red hair bounced forwards. "My name is Miss Martian, but you can call me Megan!" I nodded as I recognized her. The rest of the team introduced themselves as Superboy, Kaldur, Robin (Damian), Artemis, and Kid Flash (Wally). I recognized Kaldur from the small amount of time I had spent in Atlantis while with the seven, but he didn't recognize me due to the skull mask.

(Just so you guys know, Damian is just staying with them for the day while Dick is busy.)

"Alright. So... my name is Angel, as Bats has probably informed you of. I am not going to tell you guys my identity. Also, I don't want to be here. Bats forced me, so don't try to become friends with me, and don't bother me." I growled out the last part.

"Are we sure he should be called Angel?" Wally muttered to Damian. Damian just shrugged and 'Tt-ed'. Megan looked a little scared (because the skull mask), but also disappointed, and Artemis looked slightly irritated. SuperBoy and Kaldur remained stoic.

"Okay... well... maybe we can play truth or dare to get to know each other?" Wally spoke up.

"Sure." I grumbled, not really knowing what else to do. Wally started cheering and Megan and Artemis looked happy. Damian looked irritated. Conner remained stone faced, and Kaldur looked slightly worried.

They had soon gathered at the couch, each sitting on it or a separate chair. "Alright! Angel, Truth or dare!?" Wally said immediately. Ugh. Of course he would chose me.

"Truth." I said, not wanting to look like a fool in front of the other teens.

"Alright... what is the weirdest gift you have ever gotten?" He asked curiously.

"Hmmm... well my dad once got me a personal zombie chauffeur. His name is Jules-Albert. He's french." I replied. The team stared at me with wide eyes before bursting out in laughter.


"Yea.... So, do you want me to summon him?" I asked, receiving eager nods. I quickly tugged at the ground and pulled Jules-Albert's bones to me. Suddenly a hole ripped open in the ground and Jules-Albert was yeeted out of it, landing in a pile of underworld zombie barf. Well, not actual barf, but you get what I mean.

Jules-Albert moaned dumbly, and I let out an exasperated sigh and the underworld swallowed up the pathetic zombie again. YJ bursted out laughing at Jules-Alberts random appearance then disappearance. Just then, one of the many tv's flicked on, and Batman's face appeared on the screen. 

"Angel, we have ran into trouble, and it seems like it might be something from-." Bats was interrupted by Red Robin, who knew it would be bad if the Greek world was revealed.

"Your hometown!" He said quickly, sending a glare at Batsy. "And we need help. Now." And with that, the tv turned off, and I cursed the luck goddess. 

I'm so sorry! I haven't updated in a WEEK and this update is pretty pathetic, but I've got major writers block. I have realized that up to this point, the story has basically been a giant collection of one-shots, so I am going to try to keep it more organized at this point! Love you, my Minions!❤️


Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now