10: Healing

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Nico's Pov:

I climbed into the Manor's infirmary's bed and let Alfred pull the wing out from under me. The Manor's infirmary was way different than the camp's infirmary. It was a lot more hight tech with all sorts of equipment. But i still prefer the camp's infirmary.

"Master Nico, i don't think i can help you i thin-" Alfred was cut off as a rainbow shimmered in front of me and Will's face appeared in front of my face.

"Nico i- WAIT NICO WHY ARE YOU IN A HOSPITAL BED!?" Will shouts at me. I groan. 

"There's a MORTAL here Will! Just come and help! Bring some of ambrosia and nectar here! I'm at the Wayne manor!" I cut off the IM. 

"Alfred, please keep that a secret." I groan after it ended,\.

"Yes, Master Nico." Alfred nodded.

 What an angel of a butler Alfred was.

Time skippy, 2 hours later:

Will had arrived and was angrily lecturing me. "You idiot! You should have told me! I mean, you did, but you still should have IMed me!" He yelled as he patched up my wing. We had used the Mist to make the others forget that it happened and think that i was in my room the whole time. I wasn't about ready to let them know. "All right, well you are almost fully healed. Just wait a few days before bringing out your wings again." Will said before quickly leaving. Alfred was the only one who i let remember because i trust him. He quickly guessed my secret so i told him, then i told him about the Mist magic stuff. At this point, Alfred knew more about me than anyone else. Will had given me ten drachmas to for IMs. 

Short chapter, i know. Sorry. I just didn't want to spend to long on the healing part. Welp, back to the drama my Minions!! ❤️


Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now