Strung Along Until I'm all Tied Up

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It's a resounding no, but also a soft maybe

We'll go weeks without talking

Yet we just enough to keep my hopes alive

You won't date me, but you want all the benefits of my company

Sometimes we're friends, sometimes you make me feel like I'm stalking

Everytime I think we're done, you say just enough to make my love revive

I try telling myself you only want to use me for sex

I wish you'd give me that out

Instead I'm left with an open spot you refuse to claim

Now we hardly dated, but you feel like more than an ex

Something about you makes it so hard to live without

I'm ashamed to say, no one else has ever made me feel the same

My love for you keeps burning, no matter how much water I throw

You say don't want to lead me on, but here I am writing this damn poem

Your rental on my heart is long overdue

I think it's about time you let it go

But everytime you come back, I can't say no

No matter how hard I slam the door, it'll always be unlocked

You know where to find me, if you change your mind, please come through

Excuses to contact

Its not that I got plastic surgery, I just showed my true heart/self

If you get bored and want a beautiful marriage

My castle is open for you

Secretaries wanting to hear about my love life

I'm voicing my feelings through them

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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