Times are desperate back home 

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I always do a chapter like this, so I thought get it over and done with

Narrators point of view

Worry, panic and paranoia was the only thing that was happening in the UA high school. Ever since that izuku went off on his own that stole their friend Izuku there has been nothing but panic. Other than a few officials and of course izuku mother the public doesn't know about his disappearance then again, he did wander off by himself, claiming he didn't need anyone to help

Of course that did not stop a worldwide search for the boy in secret at first and the police believed his disappearance I thought he was kidnapped, or possibly taken by the Demon king himself, but it was proven to be false, partly because, according to villains that the police have captured, the Demon king had no idea where the young hero was, in fact, it appeared that he just disappeared off the face of Face of the Earth

The investigation had hit a dead end in every possible way however that did not sway people to give up they kept searching and searching for any sign of the hero. But it wasn't for lack of trying, and besides, the police had at the things they needed to investigate, and they need to protect people at all costs since heroes were retiring left, and right, and there was barely enough for any sense of security anywhere

All might sitting on a table with the principal: it just doesn't make any sense someone kidnaps one of our students and they don't make it public they don't have a ransom Or All-4-One would've been announced the capture to go out it's been  days and there's been nothing

The principal: perhaps your accessor has been able to escape his captive is my friend and he's trying to find a way home. and I know you blame yourself for letting him run off by himself

All might: if that was the case wouldn't he try calling one of us he has my number and yet there's been no word from him. I know he wants to distance all of us to keep us safe, but this is ridiculous at the very least. We would've heard something on the Internet. The news by now about some vigilante matching its description, but there is nothing it's as if he just vanished.

The principal thinking about it for a moment as he drink his tea: perhaps it's not a matter of a kidnapping perhaps it's merely someone asking for his help

All might confused: what do you mean?

The principal put his top cup of tea down and sigh: well, perhaps maybe someone out there need his help so they open the portal to get him to where they are. I don't know how to describe it but I have a feeling that your young student is flourishing where he is perhaps even getting stronger.

all might shallow eyes widened: what exactly do you mean?

The principal reassured his colleague: I don't know how to describe it, but I have a feeling that our runaway student is surrounded by French new friends perhaps and right now he is feeling at home with them

All might didn't seem to believe it: how could you know this for sure we're in such desperate times

The principal shook his head: I do not know all I can do is trust my instincts the boy will come back when he's ready or when you can. It's only tells me that when he comes back he will be changed for the better

The former number one hero raised an eyebrow and confusion: but what if he doesn't what if you're wrong?

The principal: I know I'm not wrong, call it intuition besides, even though we've had a few interactions, I do know your successor

All might: oh really what's that

The principal explained: I know that he'll do anything to help someone and he'll fight to the Neil to get back to us this much I do know about the boy. When the person is open, he says welcome back

all might shivered at the thought of his successor being surrounded by his worst enemies: alright but why is someone doing this what's the point they're not taking any credit for it they're obviously not doing it for ransom so what is their motive

The principal looking out the window at the setting sun: honestly old friend I do not know I'm not even sure there is one all we can hope is that your successor will return to us with those villains are tied in cuffs behind him

All might Didn't like this he didn't like it one bit villains going missing his successor getting swallowed up into a portal. If the public knew about this they would be utter chaos, The one thing that the former pro hero had faith in was his successor he knew wherever he was he was fighting the good fight he can only hope that his will and his teachings would be enough to get him through whatever he is he's going through.

And speaking of peculiar former pro hero had a strange flux in his body that he noticed. He felt it through the left all the remains of one for all it felt different like something charged his body just for a brief moment he had a feeling that whatever this was his successor also felt that power surge perhaps even stronger than he did all he knew was his powers along with his successors were changing though how and why he did not know. He was already shocked finding out that the previous users Powers were now available to his successor but this felt different somehow felt new like nothing he ever felt before that both gave him hope for his successor and also scared for his successor

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