Halloween special 🍋🎃

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Hey guys, sorry I meant to update this yesterday my mistake I'm still working on the next chapter so I hope this will entertain you until then

Narrator's point of view

It was the night of Halloween and all across the city they were celebrating ghouls and ghosts there were children trick-or-treating teenagers having parties that will be remembered for the rest of the school year and that would get them ground  for the rest of the year.

But for one green hair boy it was a special Halloween because it was this the first Halloween that he had a girlfriend well of sorts. Izuku was practically marathon running back to his apartment to meet his lover four she had told him that she had a special holiday surprise for him when he got back home.

As izuku ran like a bat out of hell to his apartment he stopped in front of the door as there was a note stuck to the door which read : izuku say trick or treat

Izuku confused and excited by this note : trick or treat

Five seconds of complete silence followed as izuku finished his sentence, but then he could hear footsteps and giggling happening behind the door and then suddenly the door swung open and there stood Violet wearing a witches hat and nothing else but a pair of black underwear that was just narrowly covering her pussy

Violet giggled at his expression on his face he was as red as a tomato with his jaw clenched open as he took in the site before him.

Violet Smacked : happy Halloween, but are you here for trick or treat😉😉

Izuku snapping out of his dream land and managing to pull himself together for the most part: Well that depends on what is the trick and what is the treat

Violet absolutely loved it when izuku was flirty and childish that side of him that not many people had seen before and it help that he was quite smooth

Violet smirk grew into a smile: well then hence why don't you come in come in and find out

Izuku smiled and run towards her, Picked her up bright style in his arms and started kissing on the lips and down her neck as he carried her to The bedroom

He placed her on the bed and crawled on top of her you mean his head down to French kiss her, as he assaulted upon her lips their tongues metnd started to roll around each other like two lions fighting for dominance. As this was happening Violet lower half was getting really hot and wet and she could feel really big bulge in between izuku's legs, it was probably because her F cube breasts I pressed up against his God like muscled chest.

Izuku still kissing his lover moved one hand down to in between her legs and started rubbing through the black underwear she was wearing

Violet moaned as she pulled away the kiss: I guess you wanna get straight treat don't you, such a greedy little boy

Izuku chuckled as he moved his hand inside her  underwear and injected to have his fingers into her sopping wet pussy

Violet moaned louder this time and grabbed all of his neck with both of her arms and held on with a iron grip

Izuku Smoothly: well you know me my love I always want you all to myself

Izuku made his fingers move faster using one for all it was now like a speeding bullet going in and out in and out at Record Breaking speeds

Violet Through her moans: izu izuku iiimmm gooinggg to cuuuuuuuuuummmmmm !!!!!!!!

Violet squirted all over the bottom side of the bed it now looked like there was a storm inside the house well there was a storm, a storm of pleasure

Izuku pulling his fingers out of Violet pussy: oh no, it looks like I'm making you melt with pleasure

Violet painting: please izuku I can't take it anymore please put your dick in my pussy

Izuku taking off his clothes and kissing her forehead as he whispered to her: of course I will thank you've got to be ready for a wild ride little witch, because I have no intention of holding back

Violet Face turn red as she nodded her head. Izuku Then got to the lower part of her and removed her underwear revealing her practically destroyed pussy, without hesitation he slammed he Godzilla  sized cock into her vagina where he already reached baby room.

Violet mind it's going to overload pleasure she never felt this much satisfaction in her life not even from her ex-boyfriend, she placed her legs around izuku Muscular hips as he started to pound her into the bed like a hammer to a nail. that was in without using his power.

Iuzku speeded up The second he did Violet moans sounded like they were coming from a megaphone, as her boobs jumped up and down like they were in a bouncy castle

This went on for another 10 minutes until finally izuku that is his limit

Izuku speaking through the pleasure of his lover embrace: Violet i'm going to cum!!!!

Violet moaning even louder: me too let's cum together!!!!

10 seconds later izuku squirted is semen into Violet baby room and when he was finished he collapsed upon trying to catch his breath

Izuku panting: Best Halloween ever

Violet also painting: you should see what I've got planned for Christmas, but for now are you ready for another round

Izuku chuckled as he kissed her forehead: always

Happy Halloween everyone

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