Breaking in... Again

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izuku point of view 

using float I carry the two of the heroes up the rocket home Violet goes first invisible just to make sure no one else is there

I ask in a whisper: is it clear?

a few moments later she response: it's clear there's no one in the control room either

with it being all clear me and dash climb up and the place was completely empty then again it should be there is no more rocket to launch any more still I would expect some soldiers to be around here mean this is the way I got out the last time you'd think syndrome would put guards here

dash: okay so what now?

The next phase of the plan is going to be tricky and a bit risky but it's the best thing we can do considering the circumstances: okay dash you can run faster than the security cameras can pick up what I need you to do is run to the security room that's just down the hall about 400 m then turn left go down 200 m make right and continue going down and then it's the fourth door on the right remember the fourth door

dash nodded: alright yeah let me guess you want me to destroy the security system

I shake my head: no what I want you do is put the recordings on from two days ago

violet looked at me confused: when it be easier just to turn off the security system?

I shake my head again: bit of advice telling off a whole security system draws more attention than just rewinding the recordings prospectively turned of the security system can be like probably announcing that we're here and right now the majority of the guards are probably combing jungle looking for us they don't know the way back in the base yet let's keep that advantage

the two of them nodded in understanding the little brother then zoomed off and followed my instructions meanwhile me and Violet just waited for it to come back even with his incredible speed was probably going to take a while

violet: you know were gonna have to tell eventually right, especially now when we rescue man he's gone I asked where his dad and we don't know how much mom knows

I nodded in agreement: yeah but how do we even begin to explain it to him... I feel like that's something we should leave to your mother

violet: you think she knows

I shrug: more than likely if she's been captured by syndrome it's more than likely that he told her more like bragged about it but you get the point right now she's probably dealing with it in her own way you think your mother's gonna be okay with... No it's a stupid question

violet: honestly dad was pretty distant with all of us I mean again don't get me wrong we'd love him it was just who is currently living with a stranger sometimes not really paying any attention to arse always wrapped up with his own thing or work I guess that why I'm kind of on the fence of grieving mean can you grieve for someone you never really knew that well

I can definitely see that: still you've gonna feel something like a mean he was dad

violet: maybe but honestly I think I'm kind of over it maybe the grief will hit me once this mission is done but right now I don't really feel sad or regretful as when I get this done and go home that's all I want

okay I guess I can get that and I think it's enough to offer grieving right Violet said she didn't really know her father and if he was a stranger to her she probably wouldn't be grieving for very long but I think dash is probably going to take this the hardest whoever has to tell him the bad news has to be very careful and try to get them to understand what happened I just hope he doesn't take it too hard

speak of the devil and he will appear he returned: okay I set the security cameras to replay the recordings from two days ago so what we do now do we just run through the base trying to find mum and dad?

He's kind of right but is mostly wrong, but in order for this to work I need to come up with a clever lie: well yes and no if I was single I would try separating your mum and dad so we probably got your mum locked away somewhere else separately from your dad that way they can work together or communicate or know of the other ones okay it keeps them in control I guess

violet knowing I was lying but played along: okay so we've got to look for two of them any ideas where one of them would be?

If I take an estimated guess he is probably keeping elastic girl in the same cell he was holding me: is probably keeping one of them in the same place he was holding me if nothing else it's worth a quick check

the two of them seem to agree so we made our way through the hallways which were surprisingly empty as a matter of fact there wasn't a trace of any guards or anything we actually made the place where they were holding their mother relatively easily and that's when I got a bad feeling it can't be this easy can it

dash saw his mother and raced to her: mum!

But when I realised this whole thing is a trap I tried to stop him but it's too late the alarms order gone off and the next thing I know were frozen in place surrounded by this blue energy and syndromes voice echoes in the room as guards come out from the shadows pointing their guns at us

syndrome: oh man I did not think you wouldn't fall for that that like the most cliché villain trap ever are well deliver and learn of course you won't be living and learning by the end of this but I think you should see my grand plan finally be revealed ha ha ha!

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