Heroes vs robot

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Narrators point of view

The robot spotted the incredible family plus deku and already knew they were a threat. It raised up its claw ready to crush them.

Izuku quickly said: run!

Everyone raced it out of the minivan before it was crushed under the claw of the robot unfortunately and violet got separated from the other heroes. When another claw came down, blocking their path violet screamed catching the attention of their mother

Elastic girl: Violet! Dash! no!

The robots raised up its other clause, and was about to slam onto the young heroes. The younger brother closed his eyes, fearing the worst, but when he opened them, he heard the sound of metal hitting something solid. When he opened them he saw that his sister had come up with a barricade to protect them , however, the robot was stubborn, it kept hitting against the barricade, eventually using its entire body to crush it, causing violet to faint in the giant crater in the middle of the road.

Dash crawled over to his big sister to see if she was okay: Violet?

She didn't respond. She was out cold, a shadow, then blocked out the sun light as the young speedster looked up, and the robot was about to smash them again he closed his eyes, thinking the worse when nothing happened he opened them and saw... Deku holding up the robot with both his arms and his legs, electricity bouncing off of him as he struggled to stop the robot from crushing the both of them

dash: Deku!

izuku through his aching muscles: go! go!

The mother came in stretching her arms and picking up a children now are they were out of the way izuku increased his strength and managed to get to his feet thinking he had the upper hand for a moment he prepared to throw the robot however the robot use one of its clause to grab the hero from under it and throw him into a nearby building crashing through the window and breaking multiple desks and chairs

meanwhile with a elastic girl and her children she carried them around the corner Violet had finally come to and she was trying to explain to her mother that she was fine: I'm okay mom really 

However her mother was not having it, in a demanding voice she said: stay here okay

she then ran off to join the battle and her children watched from behind the corner, the robot had made its way to the crash site of the hero only to find that izuku use black whip to shoot himself like a slingshot to propel himself straight back into the robot causing it to fall down, izuku landed back onto the street admiring his handiwork but he realised that he didn't even dent the robot this disappointed him however this disappointment didn't last long as the young hero felt the ergo cold just for a moment and a sense of nostalgia filled his mind he couldn't quite remember what he was feeling nostalgic over but then he noticed ice on the ground and the hero responsible for it

izuku tilted his head unsure: frozone?

 frozone using his powers tried to freeze the robot it didn't work but at the very least it slowed down a elastic girl joined up with the other two just in time to see frozen throne onto a car and deku to be thrown aside by a robot claw then it turned its attention to her and started using its blasted a shooter she used to stretch ability to avoid getting shot by the blaster however it was getting harder and harder to avoid the explosion with every shot.

izuku rubbed the back of his head and rubbed his eyes to get some rubble out of there when his vision finally cleared he noticed something on the ground a large bracelet that you look like though for some reason it strikes a familiarity with the young hero he picked it up and examined it for a moment and after a while he remembered where he saw before it was syndrome remote the one he was a poster used to defeat the robot although things didn't go according to plan below could still be useful to them

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