Take care of them 

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Izuku point of view

I managed to pull up Mr incredible onto the surface, but I feel it might be already too late. His wounds are severe. I wasn't able to shield him from the explosive. There's a lot of internal damage so I do have some medical training that's good to know but it's not important right now

I tried to keep Mr incredible awake : come on say awake!

Mr incredible weekly responded : no kid it's too late for me... there's nothing else you can do. Thanks for trying.

No, has to be something : no, just hold on, I'll get some medical supplies I can-

Mr incredible interrupted me: there is no time kid *cough cough* listen to me syndrome the bad guy from out there he's planning something something with that robot. I don't know what it is, but I know where you can find answers in the base. There is a... something secretive behind eight waterfall of lava, some sort of secret tunnel you'll find answers in there

I'm listening to him, but I just I'm more focused on trying to keep him alive : no come on, so we can do this together you just have to hold on

Mr incredible: no, I can't kid, trust me I've been hit a lot in my life and right now I can feel my life slipping away you trying to help me now would only be a waste of time... Cough cough, listen I have a wife and a daughter and a son and a baby boy Promise me you'll look after them

I shake my head, he can do that himself: Sir come on you don't give up your family need you

Mr incredible nodded : you're right, but I won't be able to... Cough cough, protect them anymore. Promise me that you're take care of them promise!

I close my eyes for a moment, and not, and that's when Mr incredible just gives in stops, breathing stops moving and there's nothing I can do to save them. I would take a moment to honour him by taking a moment of silence, but I didn't have time some computer scan thing came to the cave, and it looked like it was looking for us doing something drastic, I hide underneath Mr incredible's body from the scan. Hopefully it will give the impression to syndrome that we're both dead. When the drone finally leaves I take a moment to Mr incredible and then I move his body to the water and let it sink to the bottom. A hero deserves a better funerals in this, but it's the best I can do for him and I made a promise I'm going to find his family and I'm going to protect them

But before I do that, I need to find out what syndrome is planning to do with that robot and my best hint is a Waterfall made of lava, but first I need to find a way out of here

Deku in The Incredibles (harem story)Where stories live. Discover now