The truth hurts 

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This is it the truth is coming out now I did a few changes to what I did with the first version of this fanfiction, mainly because this way seems a bit more believable more heartbreaking as well so a bit of drama for later on. Anyway I said enough I hope you enjoy

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Violet point of view

I can barely remember what happened, but what I do now is me and my little brother were in a cave, trying to hide from the bad guys  dash Ran off to go exploring caves 15 minutes later he comes back in the arms of a complete stranger with fire chasing after them. The stranger picked up me and carries us out of the cave and protests us from the fire blast, but end up knocking all three of us out... I think that's what happened so it looks like you've been out for awhile since it was nighttime and we went into the cave and now it looks like it's early morning

Dash: should we wake him up?

That might actually be the smartest thing he's ever said but of course, I won't tell him that: I don't know... Look I know he saved us we are on an island with the bad guys. How do you know he's not one of the bad guys

Dash sounded sarcastic: I don't know the fact that he saved our lives, look, it's clear that Mum and dad have been  keeping secrets from us maybe this guy is like their sidekick or something

Okay, we are back to now stupid Little brother: okay, first of all, I'm pretty sure, Mum and Dad would've told us if they ever had a sidekick secondly, if he was their psychic, why does he look roughly around my age you must have been banned for ages and what Dad is been doing is illegal. You really think he managed to rope in 16-year-old into this, that he never knew

Dash: well I don't see you coming up with any ideas I mean what are we gonna do wake him up tie him up what is the plan here? What are you doing with Mr super strong and super fast?

I rolled my eyes: how did you just come up with that name by yourself very creative

He then yelled back and I had to get into a big argument. Why does he have to be so irritating I'm just trying to think it's the best possible scenario here to get us out of here and out of danger and originate with mum and dad. Why can't he not see that

Suddenly the guy woke up and rub the back of his head. It looked like he had a bit of a bruise but he didn't get serious which was amazing considering he landed on a rock protecting us. Does he have some form of invulnerability

The green guy: OW!!!!

Nope, he's probably just got a really thick skull: are you okay?

The green man: let's see, I woke up the other day, not knowing where I was, or who I was, except for my name, and I've been chased by a bunch of bad guys through a godforsaken jungle trying to stop and leave a madman from launching a rocket with a robot in it to destroy the mainland. Then when I tried to stop it I would've got fried and I had to rescue two kids and then ended up getting myself knocked out again! So other than that, I am just peachy!

okay, probably a dumb question it sounds like he's been through A lot of interest the past couple of days waking up with amnesia getting chased by bad guys, and almost getting turned into a roast dinner yeah, it's almost as crazy as our day has been

The green man calmed down as he is at the back of his head: i'm sorry I'm sorry I've just had a really rough couple of days actually could've been a week maybe I have no concept of time right now

Okay, yeah he could definitely be concussed: well... and thank you for saving us i'm violet, and this is my little brother dash

Suddenly, the green man's face show expression changed from painful in a physical sense to painful in the mental sense. I could tell I had moments like that the past few years it seems like he was upset about something.

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