We are running out of time

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izuku point of view

we raced back to Violet the man still there shooting his gun everywhere presumably trying to hear I use black whip to throw him away and I let Violet reappear I just quickly check over to make sure she's not been short

Violet blushing maybe I should back off a bit: I'm okay really... What do we do now they know we here

dash: hey I don't think we need to worry I mean even if they have another security wave you're taking a while to get here

he's right the family a little bit but we should stay here I grab the two of them and race off back to the cave where we first met now the Rockets gone it's probably one of the safest places on the island

dash disapproved: you know I could have run with you right?

I shake my head: sorry it's just we are running out of time, the bad guys have sent a rocket into space holding a robot which is going to land back on the mainland and attacked the city for whatever reason and we've properly got I'd say five hours before the lands

Violet nodded: he's right were on the clock we need to find mam and dad get off this island so we can get back to the mainland and stop that robot

I like the determination but I've noticed something she said ma'am and dad which means she still lined a little brother I get the fact that we need to keep morale high blood like to give like this just feels wrong but I go with it for now anyway: okay so we know that if we go down far enough into this cave will come across where the rocket was launched out of that might be a good way to get into the base chances are by now your mum's already been captured if not she would have come back by now

Violet agreed: yeah so it's up to us now to find them and rescue them

dash: okay great but how we find them I mean even with me and Greaney over there going full speed as a way we could search the entire island in less than five hours

we will need to have a pretty good idea where the bad guys are holding her: we don't have to I know where he'd be holding her I skied there earlier we just need to get back in there

violet: but security is going to be even more tight than it was before they know we hear they know what our powers are this seems hopeless

no it is not hopeless: it's not hopeless yet, once we get in we sneak into the air vents there are no security cameras at their will be able to freely move around the base once we find your mum we rescue her then we find a way back to the mainland and to stop the robot or the very least call someone to tell them what's going to happen so that they can prepare for it or stop them from declaring world war three what they don't know whether robots come from the my scene as an act of aggression from other countries

dash: okay so getting their say mum and dad be some bad guys and save the day I might oh scout ahead and make sure the place is clear

before he could zoom off I tell him to stop: did wait a minute when you get to the metal part of the cave wait for us there the metal could still be warm from the launch I can float us over later don't go any further past that point unless you want have melted feet

he nodded as he raced off leaving me in Violet alone Violet took a deep breath and shakes her head this is probably getting to her: listen I really am sorry about your dad and I'm sorry you have to lie to your little brother

violet: I appreciate that... If I'm being completely honest it's not about losing my dad that's got me bothered it's the fact that reality is I never really knew him

I raise an eyebrow confused: what were your parents divorced something?

Violet shook her head: no it's just he was never really there for either me or my little brothers was always off somewhere either in his mind when his work he wanted to relive his glory days as only ever really wanted I guess he just forgot what he had in front of him

I guess I can understand must be hard growing up with a parent that just keep living in the past: well if it's any consolation I'm pretty sure he loved you very much you and your little brothers and your mum

Violet smiled: I appreciate that I do if I'm being honest the loss of my father isn't bugging me as much as I thought it would only like I said I barely knew him we don't get me wrong I'm upset that he's dead it's just... How can you miss someone that you barely know

yeah I can see that, I suppose that Mr incredible wasn't as good a father as I thought still I am gonna keep my promise and take care of his family as much as I can: what about your little brothers how you think they're going to react

violet: well Jack Jack's never going to know his father so I don't know how you feel about that... dash well I just don't know he adored our dad and all the things he used to do my saving lives and all that but like with me dad was never really with us within again dash is younger so maybe didn't notice

we continue walking into the dark cave well as a dark it was still a bit bright the fire seem to have opened up a few holes in the structure of the cave allowing some sunlight go through: so violet... Changing the topic as to bit is that like your real name or your superhero name

violet: it's my real name I know it seems a little too fitting considering my powers the same thing for my brother apparently my parents just knew he was going to be a runner 

I chuckle a little bit: the I can see that so... I know this can sound like a weird question considering the circumstances but what you like sorry vets to personalise just well I promised you dare I would look out for you and your family so I feel inclined to get to know you if only a little bit but it's too much maybe-

she interrupted me: now know it's fine honestly you've saved me and my brothers live twice already so I guess I can trust you enough the is not really much to tell a pretty much invisible and not not because of my powers people in school don't see me and I don't really do after school activities it's just too nerve wracking

i make a joke: so is getting shot at with a gun... If you has me you seem pretty confident in yourself already maybe you just haven't realised it

violets looked at me for a moment and blushed: thank you you're actually the first person to say that

I nod: you're welcome.so do we actually have a plan as I know I sounded confident in my idea but let's be honest it was more of a draft so do we have an actual plan

violet put her finger on her chin thinking for a moment: well I guess maybe when we go through I should go up first invisible to see if anyone is around then when I give you to signal you come up and we work our way through from their to rescue my mum... Speaking of her do you think she knows about well you know?

I honestly can't say I rubbed the back of my head: well if I'm being completely honest if the bad guys haven't told her already they will do soon or we

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