Run Dash, run!!

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Narrators point of view

The superheroes as fast as as they could (well except for dash he was holding back) through the jungle cranking away from the guards that were coming their way, unfortunately since it was their island it wasn't long before they had the young hero is completely surrounded 

the guards pointed the guns at them: do you think this superers

another guard: no they just got lost on the way to a costume party of course there supers! and look with the green haired kid!

Violet whispered to her little brother: dash remember what mum said

dash whispered back: what?

izuku not sure what was going on: you guys were filming in

one of the guards noticed that they were talking: hey stop talking

Violet then turned invisible getting the attention of all the guards as they waved their guns round pointing at nothing trying to find

she then yelled at her little brother: Run dash, run!!

The young boy then sprinted off remembering what his mother told him to run as fast as he can to find her, izuku realising the situation decided to follow the youngest sibling and chased it after him using one for all to keep up 

one of the guards: there supers... Get the boys

the other guards went back into their vehicles and chased after the two leaving the single guard looking for violet: show yourself!

izuku and dash ran as fast as they could trying to get away from the guys with guns they didn't know where they were going all the newest a needed Tehran through the bushes through the giant leaves and not to look back

unfortunately they seem like they were looking where they were going when there will moving forward because the two of them went splat straight through a swarm of insects causing them to trip and throw up a bit

izuku wiping some dead insect of his face: oh gross I think some of it got into my mouth

this little resting last long however the guards quickly found the two and began chasing them in the high-speed flying vehicles ready to slice them to pieces the boys stood up and started running again

the guards began to catch up dash saw Irvine and he used it to swing around the tree izuku did the same thing only with black whip that you are them with now behind the guards and started running in the opposite direction

the two of them for they were safe but it didn't last long izuku had to pull dash out of the way before he got sliced into by a guard coming in on the left, this one was dangerously getting close to them and it didn't make it any better that they were now out in the open in gap between the forest 

izuku and dash speeded up narrowly avoiding getting sliced into either rotating plates behind them eventually they managed to make it back into the forest where they were at the advantage of being more manoeuvrable and smaller then the flying machines making it more difficult for the guards to kill them

but the guards are still getting dangerously close the two boys saw another vine and decided to take a chance they both grabbed it and the problem is they were going too fast they swung upwards and had to let go dash screamed izuku managed to stay calm and uses float ability to catch him just after the two of them went over a cliff

dash surprised: wait you can fly!?

izuku: not exactly... It's more like floating or just walking on air I guess I came exactly move not when I'm holding someone like this

dash didn't understand a word of that because he was mostly focused on the incoming guard flying straight towards them: look out!

That warning came just in time izuku just managed to get above the flying machine and drop the two of them on top of it it wasn't the best plan but it was the best he could come up with that search short notice.

 The person flying machine notice the toe them: hey

he guard punch dash but he dodged every attack using his superspeed and nervously punched back but realised he really hurt the guard, this time with a smile he dodged the guards attacked again and delivered three punches with his superspeed. Once again the guard tried to attack dash but couldn't touch him things were superspeed and this time dash unleashed a barrage of attacks straight on the guards chin knocking out his sun visor

he was ready for more but izuku pointed something out they were flying straight towards a wall realising that the person in charge of flying had noticed yet that you jumped off of the ride allowing it to to crash into the walk

dash screamed as he he felt but they managed to grab a vine that slowed therefore they were now safe

dash patted himself down to make sure he was okay and the life: I'm alive... Yee ha! Yeah!!

izuku: dash do you think you could be a little quieter in your celebration

it was already too late the guards close by her the commotion and noticed the two

dash: oh no

so they were back to running for their lives again, the Renault stresses they could maybe even faster but it was no used these guards were not letting up there was a bit of cliff coming up dash grabbed hold of a palm tree as they jumped across and swung it back at the guards one of them sliced straight through with the other one crashed beneath it

izuku turned slightly as he continued running and flicked his fingers and leasing a shockwave towards the other guy that was chasing them causing him to crash. The two boys looked behind them and there were no more guards they smiled at each other thinking they want but the smile quickly faded from both of them when they noticed that there was a guard either side of them

they looked ahead and they were about to hit straight into water that you guest as they close their eyes preparing for the end but to their surprise they didn't come when they open their eyes they were running on water

dash looked at izuku completely surprised he just shrugged and they both laughed as they ran faster across the water. This time the guards were above them and they were showing any mercy this time they were shooting at them but thanks to the boys increase speed they were faster than the bullets guards realised this and quickly went back to chasing them and trying to cut them in half

a cave came up and the two speedsters used their momentum to run up the wall and behind the guard trying to get outside the way they came only the light at the end of the tunnel quickly turned dark when they realised another one was waiting for them coming straight at them from the entrance that would have stopped and turned around try to go forwards again however the Garda they outsmarted it was coming back through the door them were now trapped with nowhere to go

izuku grabbed hold of dash: hold your breath

dash didn't understand that he did as he was told and as their speed stopped gravity quickly caught up with them that you were pulled into the water just in time to watch the two guard's crash against each other

once the explosion was finished and that the pre-had fallen to the bottom of the ocean izuku pulled dash back up to the surface: come on we need to get back to your sister

All right that is it for this chapter now I know probably was what you all expecting maybe you were expecting a bit more but it was the best I could come up with and trying to keep up with my original script for this very fiction as I possibly can but it's a lot more difficult since I scrapped the idea nearly 2 years ago but it is nice to be able to be do it again

anyway I hope you've enjoyed please leave a comment and a vote and I will see you all next time.

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