Bold Heart (5)

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At this point of time, we had been at the theme park for a few hours now, with the sun beginning to set, I had begun to put my plan in motion.

"Hey, how about we ride the ferris wheel after this?" I suggested, smiling.

"Oh my gosh yes, yes! It'll be such a perfect view of the sunset around this time..!" Minori exclaimed, lifting her head up from the ball of cotton candy.

"Maybe we could go on after Minori finishes her cotton candy!" Haruka laughs.

"What if we ride the ferris wheel in pairs?" Kohane suggested.


"I call dibs An-chan though!" Kohane giggled, looking up at me.

I was barely able to keep my composure...


"Oh why of course Kohane-chan! She's all yours." Haruka replied, smirking at me.

So there it goes, the explosion that absolutely blew up my heart. It was like a ticking time bomb before I nearly fell onto the ground, It's almost as if she read my mind and said that. Does she know I like her or is this just some massive messed up coincidence, or was Akito right and she's using this moment to admit the fact that she's been with a girl for like five years, wait she's sixteen that wouldn't make much sense and also considering that she doesn't even like texting first ... FUCK.

"That's okay! I wanted to be with Haruka-chan anyways!" Minori chuckled, wrapping her arm along Harukas.

"Then it's settled!" Kohane exclaimed.

A few minutes went by of watching Minori slowly finish that cotton candy, something deep inside me was tempted to just knock it out of her hands so we can get on the ride faster, but I figured that Kohane would not like that and Haruka would pull the life force out of me if I even said something remotely wrong towards Minori.

Eventually she did end of finishing and screamed in excitement as she ran towards the ferris wheel.

"Typical Minori! She's so cute." Haruka laughed, walking in normal speed besides Kohane and I.

"I'm not exactly sure where she gets all that energy from.." Kohane sighed.

"Probably from all that cotton candy she just ate!" I replied.

"Minori is famous for her intense sugar rushes, I'll probably have to take her home after this.." Haruka laughed before smiling at me.

What was she smiling at me for? Was she hinting something?

Haruka sighed before continuing to walk.

"So my partner will be An-chan, correct?" Haruka smirked.

"No, she's MY partner." Kohane whined, tightening her grip on my arm.

"Oh? So sorry Kohane-chan! Guess I misunderstood." Haruka chuckled before walking up to Minori, who was still on a mass sugar rush.

Haruka whispered something into her ear which caused the dazed Minori to giggle, god knows what she just told her.

After a bit more of a wait, Minori and Haruka went onto their ferris wheel cabin. And after a little bit longer, followed our cabin, which Kohane had guided me onto.

I mentally prepared the script in my mind, I was somewhat ready for what outcome is brought with us, not sure if I'm quite prepared for the awkward walk home though.

As the cabin went up, I could feel my heart beat getting heavier by the second, following with my labored breaths, which Kohane had seemed to take note of, grabbing onto my hand tightly.

"K-Kohane." I called out, grabbing the attention of the girl.

"Yes An-chan?" Kohane smiled, turning away from the cabin window to look at me.

Her blonde hair blew so softly in the wind, it looked so beautiful, SHE looked so beautiful, I felt as if she just lifted all the words out of me, which is another way of me saying that my script was thrown out the window.

"I love you so much Kohane! You're an amazing partner." I smiled, trying to hold back all of the agony and pain it took to just say that, knowing damn well that wasn't my first planned sentence.

"Oh? I love you too, An-chan!" Kohane smiled, her eyes slightly lighting up as the sun hit them, making her appear to be some sort of angel.

"You're a great friend and singing partner, An-chan!" She continued, shrugging her shoulders as she looked away from me, still continuing to hold my hand.


"I could've never asked for someone better, thank you for everything, Kohane!" I laughed, knowing very well that I was on the verge of a mental breakdown at that point.

Kohane giggled before she turned back to me, smiling, she moved her hair along her cheek for no apparent reason, which also made me notice that the ferris wheel was almost finished, I quietly sighed as the realization further kicked in that I blew my chance, my one and ONLY chance.

We stepped out of the cabin and saw Minori and Haruka waving at us, Minori was seemingly less hyper than the last time I saw her and Haruka's face was seemingly far more red than what it was just a few moments ago.

"How was the ride, An-chan and Kohane-chan?" Haruka asked, holding tightly onto the limping Minori.

"It was really nice! I loved the view too!" Kohane laughed.

Haruka met my gaze with a pitiful stare, I guess she read right through me, yet again...

Well then, should we go see the show? Kohane-chan told me that you recieved the tickets?" Haruka questioned, directing towards me.

"Show? I wasn't informed that we were going to a show?" Minori mummered, hanging onto Haruka's arm for dear life.

"Yeah that wasn't planned, but sweet Kohane over here said that a man in An-chan's school can hook us up with some tickets!"

"A lot of connections that I cannot comprehend." Minori whined, placing her head on Haruka's shoulder.

"Do I need to take you home, Minori?" Haruka sighed, patting on Minori's head as she grumbled.

"But the s-show!" Minori whined further.

"It's okay, Minori! I could always pay to see the show next time, perhaps Kohane and An should attend the show then recommend it to us later..?" Haruka exclaimed, recieving a bright smile from the girl.

"Oh.. It's a shame to see you too go.. Get well soon, Minori-chan! See you later, Haruka-chan!" 

Kohane shouted from a distance as Haruka waved her goodbyes.

"Well then, I guess it's time to g-" I paused, feeling an arm being wrapped around mine, looking down I noticed Kohane clinging onto me a bit more.

"Is everything okay, Kohane?" I questioned.

"I don't really want to go to the show, I've already seen this one numerous times." Kohane grumbled.

"Oh okay! Well what'd you like to do?" I asked, beginning to walk towards the center of the park.

"I..want to go to your place..!" Kohane exclaimed.


"What do you say, An-chan? We can have some alone time and maybe sing for a bit? I haven't been to your house for quite some time!" She smiled, loosening her grip around my arm but still holding onto my hand.

WHAT THE ACTUAL FU- To be continued.

Chapter Five Complete
Bold Heart

Chapter Six: Building Blocks

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