Mission Successful? (9)

296 19 25

Third Person POV


Ring ring

"Mmf..leave me alone.." An mumbled, rocking on her bed, half asleep.

Beep... Ring ring

"Goddamnit.." An sighed, sitting up in her bed, grabbing the phone.

Mizuki was the one causing her phone to ring on repeat. She heavily sighed before sliding to the accept call button.

"Mizuki, what the hell do you want..?" An grumbled.

"Damn, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Mizuki chuckled.

"Yeah, tired as hell."

"Well grouch, don't forget that you're meeting up with Kohane in a few hours, gotta dress your best for this one!~"

"What do you mean a few hours? I have until sunset to-" An paused, blinking repeatedly as if in denial of the time she was staring at.


"Five thirty to be exact!~" Mizuki teased.


"Thank goodness I woke you up!" Mizuki chuckled.


An rushed to her closet, picking out a set of clothes that Ena had suggested for her to wear, a yellow dress with white accents.

"Good morning sleepyhead, what's the rush?" Ken asked as he watched his daughter rush down the staircase.

"NO TIME TO TALK, I'M LATE." An shouted, grabbing a sun hat before running out.

"Ah..typical An." He sighed, sipping his coffee.

After a practical marathon and a struggle with Google Maps, An had finally arrived, taking a sigh of relief as she saw that the time was still decent.

The day had finally arrived, and An was horrified by that fact, An quietly sat by a bench waiting for Kohane, her heart was practically lunging out of her chest as the time had gone by.

She felt unsure of how to feel, although numerous people have told her that everything was going to come out perfectly, she still couldn't help but have that empty feeling in her gut as the time had drawn closer to her arrival.

Soon she felt a soft tap on her shoulder.

"An-chan?" The girl asked, immediately catching her attention.

Kohane wore a beautiful pink dress, covered in frills and topped off with a ribbon.

"Ah, Kohane!" An wanted to shower her with compliments, but held back, taking Mizuki's advice of going with the flow and not panicking too quickly.

"You..looking amazing today, An-chan." She smiled.

"C'mon, I have the perfect spot for us to go to." Kohane mentioned, taking An's hand as they walked across the grassy lands.

An took the time to look around her surroundings, seeing numerous families and couples spread out in picnics, it was the perfect time and place to do so, as the weather was beautiful, and the sun was near the time where it'd set.

"Here's the spot, what do you think?" She asked, looking towards An.

"Ah- It's really pretty." An replied, looking around at the collection of flowers and tall grass among the meadow below them.

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