Advanced Ideals (8)

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I thought it was over after that painfully awkward conversation with Mizuki and their girlfriend, but it turns out I was far from correct, I think the realization hit once I saw Mizuki waving Ena goodbye at the parking lot as they ran at lightning speed towards me.

"I thought we were over this, you can't follow me home." I grumbled, adjusting my jacket as they stumbled next to me.

"Why do you immediately jump to that conclusion? I was just going to give you this!" Mizuki said, throwing a bag my direction.

''What the hell is th-" 

"DON'T OPEN IT!" Mizuki shouted, slapping my hand.


"Just give it to Kohane when you feel like the time is right."

"I thought you said to go with the flow?"

"Just shut the fuck up and take it." 

"Okay damn I'll take it.." I grumbled, quickly stuffing the bag in my backpack.

"GOOD LUCK ANNNNN!~" Mizuki shouted before turning the other direction back to their house.

I decided to not give it much thought as I continued walking home, mainly because I had a billion other things on my mind that made the bag become quickly irrelavant, like practice, and work at the cafe, and Kohane, and Kohane, and Kohane, and also Kohane and did I forget to mention Kohane? FUCK.

Maybe Mizuki was right when they said I needed to start punching myself in the face everytime I thought about Kohane, but it's just impossible, I mean how can you reject that face??

I also should've considered listening to music on my walk home, my mind was flooded with thoughts, not the type of thoughts I wish to be getting while trying to not be hit by a car.

Could they be right when they said just going with the flow on the next date? Would Kohane really return my feelings like this? Is there really one spot that basically every pair goes to and leaves as a couple? All of these questions and absolutely no answers, and it was absolutely killing me.

After a walk that felt like a century, I made it to the front of my house.

"Dad! I'm home." I shouted, hanging my jacket on the wall before starting to head upstairs.

"An, before you head to your room.-" My dad said, walking up behind me, holding a bag.

"Hmm?" I hummed, turning around.

"The little girl stopped by and told me to pass this to you."

"Daaad! How many times do I have to tell you she has a name?"

"Little girl is just funnier." He laughed as he handed the bag to me.

As I began reaching my hand into the bag, he quickly stopped me.

"I nearly forgot a detail, she informed me that you shouldn't open it until next time you two meet up."

"What's up with people telling me not to open things in bags?" I grumbled, leaning against the wall.

"Maybe just don't open it then?"

I groaned, stuffing the second bag into my backpack before crawling my way upstairs, entering my room.

I just plopped down onto my bed, unsure of what to do with myself.

I wasn't sure whether or not to exactly take Mizuki's advice of going with the flow, how could they be so sure? This whole date thing was going to give me a heart attack, Kohane is also victorious for friendzoning without even realizing, perhaps she actually thinks this is just a friendly platonic second date and I'm the idiot in question?!?!?!??!!

The thought of it had me rolling on my bed in frustration.

"Hey kiddo I brought you tacos uhm.." My dad said as he swung open the door.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO KNOCKING BEFORE WALKING IN??" I whined, slamming my head back onto the bed.

"Are you good kid?"

"Do I look good?" I replied, grumbling as I sat up.

"Is it something that you'd like to talk about?" He questioned, placing the plate onto my nightstand.

"It's nothing important, just first..or second date gitters." I replied.

"I assume it's with the little girl?"

"Dad, she's two months older than me for crying out loud!"

"I know, you're the littler girl."

"You're not helping!!" I whined, falling back down.

"Listen, An." He said, sitting down on the bed.

"You shouldn't be stressing about these things, it'll all come together in the end."

"And how do you know that for sure?"

"Well, I was crushing on your mother for seven years straight before she finally gave me a chance." He laughed.

"Okay seven years is overboard.." I replied.

"Exactly, and it's been how long for you? Like a few months?"


"A few months and she's inviting you to dates, DATES, not just friendly friend outings, she's calling them dates."

"That's like how girls call each other girlfriends, there's no romantic meaning to it."

"Sometimes there is, but it stays unnoticed, I feel like everyone is seeing this except you, An."

"Her randomly dropping gifts at the house, her coming over to the cafe strictly during your shift, those midnight calls that get so loud that me and your mother can't even sleep."

"Oh uhm, oops?"

"The point is, it's becoming a bit too obvious, even the cafe regulars have been taking note of this."

"Do you really think that she may actually like me?"

"I don't think, I know."

"And if she rejects me at the end?"

"Then uhm, she's an expert at throwing false hints."


"An please don't- annnd you slammed your head back into the pillow..The tacos are on the table if you get hungry, eat them before they're cold." He said, standing up from the bed and carefully closing the door.

Chapter Eight Complete
Advanced Ideals

Chapter Nine: Mission Successful?

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