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Sorry for taking so long. I'm allergic to my cats but I'm not getting rid of them. So I had to get some medicine and I've been having fevers and my throat is swollen.......but my cats r too cute so they staying.

(Tomura Pov----)

Even though I wanted to, I'm not ready for that level yet. And we just met, so we don't really know each other. I'd really love to do it though, maybe in the future. But today I had to decline the amazing offer.

"Mukira, I would love to! But...I'm going to have to decline your offer. We just met and we need some time to get to know each other. Okay?"

"I completely understand Tomura. Talk to me when you're ready." She said with a wink at the end. I smile softly.

We stay there for and just enjoy each other's presence and the silence. Her eyes are locked on mine as we stay there. I have this weird feeling in my body.... my brain is trying to force me to do something. I look at her plump lips...... So..... luscious... I cupped her cheek with my hand,(which is protected by my gloves) and pull her into a deep kiss.

I've never kiss someone before... but it feels amazing! Her lips were soft against my cracked ones. I want to explore more,but we aren't ready for that level yet. But I just want to run my fingers along her hourglass figure. She's just so perfect! Perfect in every way.

"So...what now Mukira? We shared our first kiss and we decided not to go too far just yet."

"Well....we should probably go back down to the party shouldn't we?" She asked me, still tripping over our first kiss.

"Meh, let's stay here with each other. Or we can just talk about random things. Maybe watch a movie, I've got a few snacks in the car if you want some. And I've got a chocolate chip granola bar on me if you want it."

"Sure I'll take it." She said, grabbing and eating the granola bar."Let's just talk to each other for now. There's nothing much going on downstairs."

I paused for a while. The music is loud and it sounds like everyone is partying. How is there nothing going on downstairs? Feeling curious, I open the door to check. Even though the music is going, she stands corrected. Nothing is going on downstairs.

" did you know that?"

"Because no one's really talking. You can't hear them."

"Right." I say sitting down next to her on the bed."So, what do you want to talk about?"

"Well. Have you ever heard of the female villain trickster?"

"Yes! She's absolutely amazing! It's crazy how no one has ever seen her face! I wonder if one day I'll be able to see her face, because they say she has been looking for a villain group. And what better group is there than the L.O.V?" I can't believe she knows about the mysterious villain trickster.

"Well...I've got secret files on her if you want to know more about her." She says with a soft smile.

That honestly would be amazing! She has secret files on the- how though? Not even the government has files on her... Something is going on...

"How do you have secret files on her? Wait how do you know they're a girl?!"

"Family silly. She ran away due to being held captive by her family. They sold her to science for the money. She was my cousin, I think. I went to the basement to see her one-time,and she was very pretty."

Family huh... that's good I guess.... IM DATING THE MYSTERIOUS VILLAINS COUSIN! HOLY SHIT!

" Im dating the tricksters cousin........I'm dating the tricksters cousin!" I say while bouncing around like a five year old. She only giggled softly while watching me.

"Tomura calm down. It's not that serious ok? We are simply relatives."

" Yeah I know, but c'mon Mu. This is exciting for me! Be happy for your boyfriend!"

"Boyfriend?!" She said laughing, her granola bar flying everywhere out of her mouth. " You're my fling for now. Until you take me to a restaurant that is luxurious and pay for my food, you gonna stay my fling." The way she talks is amazing...

"Well, we can do that tomorrow. Or we can do it right now! Put your shoes back on, I'll go warm up the car!"

As I hurry down stairs, everyone's head turns twords me. I look at them in confusion until toga speaks her psychotic mind. Which is never a good thing.

"Oooooh! Tomura was making loooove!" She says pointing to my shirt.

My tie was loose because it hurt my neck, my shirt is wrinkly because of moving and laying down beside Muki, there is still saliva from the kiss earlier, my shoes are untied, my hair is loose from it's long ponytail, and finally, I'm sweaty ass hell.

"We weren't making love bingus. If we were you would've heard me yelling." Mukira says proudly while walking down the stairs.

"Tomura has a big dick?" Twice says before arguing with himself." It's so fucking tiny! It's tinier than my pinky toe!.... I'm sorry!"(twice said he'd rather ride Squidwards nose.)

I wanted to cry but held it in. I walked Muki to the car before getting in and laughing my ass off. Mukira did exactly the same.

"That was amazing! You know, he is really really funny."

"Yeah he is. But now our date night. So, where to?"

" Let's go to China Star. I know it's your favorite." (Anybody got a china star were they live? Or is it just my part of Tennessee?)

"And how do you know it's my favorite?"

"All the soy sauce packets in the arm rest."

"Touche Mukira. Touche."

"Shut up and drive! I'm still hungry. Whoever cooked shouldn't. Everything tasted like shit."

We buckle up and head off to the restaurant. After everything that has happened, and Muki knowing everything, I just wonder to myself. How? How did she know everything?

1028 I'm done writing today.

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