Lets Talk Quirky( not very entertaining)

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(Tomura pov-----)

About a month passed since that incident. Hawks completely disappeared. No one knows what happened to him.

The only thing we know about Hawks is that Mukira talked to him. Then he disappeared. She would only smile softly know and then. I'm kind of getting jealous. She obviously only smiles when she thinks about something. What if that something is him?!

Pushing the thoughts away, I sat next to her on our couch. Something was off about her. I looked all over but couldn't tell what it was.

"Hmm? Chub? Check. Thighs? Check. Hair? Check. Cuteness? Check. What is missing on my chocolate chub?"

"Don't ever call me a chocolate chub again. It's weird, boy!" Mukira chuckles softly. I didn't see it yet. I just couldn't get it. And it was right in my face.

This was hurting my brain. I even tried to see if her waist band was on. It wasn't. My head was really spinning. That's when I saw it.

"HUH! You have ears... and a tail. Teo tails! What are you!" I was shocked.

Mukira only giggled and stretched out. She was adorable. But what creature do  you know that is chubby, has ears, and has two tails?

I just stared in confusion. She was adorable! But I didn't understand how this just popped up.

"I'm a... FOX! With two tails because I'm awesome!"

"Indeed you are Mu. Is that your quirk?"


I saw how happy she looked.  But it was honestly surprising. I didn't even think Mukira had a quirk. This was amazing. The more I looked at her, the more she resembled someone. I can't put a name on it though. It'll come later.

We sat and talked about literally nothing. That's until dabi walked into the living room. My mind instantly went blank from our thoughts, and Hawks filled my mind.

"Mukira, what did you do to Cargo pants?"

"I didn't do anything to them. Remember who I said my cousin was. Yeah, she dealt with it." She chuckled softly.

It felt like a lie. I don't know though. Maybe it was just me. Yeah, just me. Then again, her quirk came out of no where. And Hawks disappointed yesterday...

Something fishy, and it isn't dabi...

376. I know it's short. But that's okay. I'm lazy...

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