The interview

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As we walk in we get escorted to the back we're we can hear the interviewer who's name is Jeffrey, talking to what i'm guessing is the audience.

"And we've got a very special surprise for you all this morning...please welcome the band RAPTURE!!" He says excitedly and we hear everyone scream and shout

We all walk on the stage waving and then we sit down on the couch beside the Jeffrey.
First Izzy who is sitting with her legs crossed then me who instantly got comfortable and manspread with my arm on the back of the couch,
then Cade who is just sitting normally and then Lucas who is sitting the same way as me.

"Wellcome Rapture thank you so much for being here with us this morning" Jeffrey says in a very happy tone that kinda annoyed me as who can be so lively at this time, but then again we have Izzy..

"No thank you Jeffrey for inviting us we are very happy to be here" Izzy says with a bright smile

"No bother, So we're just gonna go straight in with some questions from fans, Is that okay with you all?"
He says as well all nod

"So first we call know you're album soul vitality, and we have heard that a second one is in the works. Can you give us anymore information on that?" He asked as this was a very common question the likes of paparazzi would ask

"Ah yes we do have a seconded album coming hopefully by the end of this year, but we can't reveal the name yet. But what we can say is that we're very excited as Vada will be singing on this one unlike the last one" Cade says nodding to me as the end.

"oh yes we have heard that Vada is quite the singer! So how do you feel about singing more publicly now vada?" He asks me
"Um I'm very excited to sing as I do love it and I just can't wait for more people to hear it I guess" I say shrugging as I'm quite bad at answering these kind of questions especially in the mornings.

"Hmm and so are we! so.."

TIME SKIP (just asks more questions about our music)

"So going on to more things Fans like to say and ask. Cade we hear you are quite the ladies man, do you think all this effects your work life?" jeffery says getting on to the more juicy things

Cade laughs "Ah yes this is quite a recurring thing people like to say and ask and the basic answer is that it's just me having a bit of fun and no i don't like it will or has effected my work life. You should really be asking Vada these types of questions as she gets ladies and men, quite the attraction with our fans..isn't that right" Cade Says nudging me at the end of his sentence.

I roll my eyes and laugh slightly as the crowd cheers when they hear cade say that.
"Ah yes we do hear that Vada gets the ladies as-well as the boys, what's the deal with that vada?" Jeffry says eyeing the camera

"Well Jeffrey we all know that you only live once" shrugging then winking at the camera.
Everyone starts cheering and we all laugh at the reaction.

"Speaking of, another big thing your fans have been saying is that you are the exact 'female version' of the guitarist from Tokio Hotel, Tom Kaulitz. What is your take on that vada?" He says eyeing me

"Well considering I've never heard of a 'Tom kaulitz' I would say if i'm the exact 'female version' that he must be pretty hot?" I say smirking and shrugging, everyone just starts screaming again and I just laugh.

"Well vada a lot of people would agree with you there" The interviewer says raising his eyebrows at the camera
"Anyway unfortunately that's all we have time for today so thank you all again for coming and I hope we get you back here again, thank you!"
We all smile and wave as we leave the stage and just make our way home to practice.
Toms pov:

I just woke up and go downstairs to see the guys all siting on the couch watching the tv
I go up to them and sit down between Georg and Bill
"what you guys watching?" I ask rubbing my eyes

"you know that band I love, rapture?" Bill asks
"Yeah I think you showed me there music once there good why?"I ask looking at him
"They are in the middle of an interview with that guy jeffery, the one that interviewed us like last month." He says looking at the Tv
"Oh cool" I say looking at the tv and seeing 4 people 2 girls and 2 boys. Then one of the girls speak.

"Well Jeffrey we all know that you only live once"
She says winking at the camera as I get goose bumps.
"That's vada I love her she's so hot, she kinda reminds me of you ngl." Bill says as Georg and Gustav agree.
"I thought you had a crush that one Izzy?" I ask confused
"Yeah I do but I can't deny that Vada is hot" He says shrugging
"hm" I say as I look and see that the vada girl is definitely hot.

"Speaking of, another big thing your fans have been saying is that you are the exact 'female version' of the guitarist from Tokio Hotel, Tom Kaulitz. What is your take on that vada?" The interview says as Bill looks at me
"There talking about you omg and there saying what I just said!!" Bill says very excited
"Yeah I heard" I say now looking at her that she does dress the same as me also I think she's also the guitarist, she does seem to kinda have the same attitude and she's definitely hot like me so as me so I can see why he said that.
I wait to see what her respond is.

"Well considering I've never heard of a 'Tom kaulitz' I would say if i'm the exact 'female version' that he must be pretty hot?" She says smirking and shrugs.
"Damn she's never even heard of you" Georg says slightly giggling
"Shut up at least she basically called me hot and I didn't even know her until now anyway either so?" I say with sass and rolling my eyes
"Yeah but i'm sure now your gonna obsess over winning her over, aren't you?" Bill says Looking at me, I just smirk in return and that gives them all the information they need.
"Oh he definitely is" Gustav says laughing and rolling his eyes.

I'm definitely gonna make her mine.

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