different songs

374 10 1

Vadas POV:

We finished the song, honestly my throat kinda hurt from that last bit
"Oh.my.god!" Marie says clapping and rushing over to us
"Yes! that's exactly what that song needed! Well done!" She says coming round and kissing our heads, but we all wipe our head after wards weirded out, well apart from izzy...but that's izzy.

"Oh thanks, we're really happy it worked and you liked it. Now we have another song ready!" I say packing my guitar away
"Yes now how many do we have ready?" She asks
"erm I think maybe round 9 i don't really remember" Cade says
"Hm..I'll have to check, but anyway great work"
She says turning around then she sees that tokio hotel is also here

"oh! yeah guys if you hadn't notice the guys are here so I'm going to go meet their manager, so talk among yourselves till then." She says while walking out

"Hello!" Bill says getting up and walking over to us as to the others behind him
"Hey!" Izzy says waving and smiling
"sup" Lucas greets coming back towards us after putting his guitar away
"That song is amazing, if that's what all your songs on your new album is gonna sound like then you might as well collect your awards now" Bill says looking impressed
"Aw thanks! But I don't know, some of them are probably better than others but I think we're happy with them?" Izzy says while looking at us as we nod
"Well still, especially cade! We didn't even know you spoke german let alone sing like that in german!"

"Oh thanks man, and uh yeah I do speak german my mum is from Germany so I guess her just speaking it round the house growing up I just picked it up too!" He says shrugging
"Ohh! And Vada don't you speak german? are you german or have you just learnt the language?" Bill asks me
"Oh erm no I am german well half it's only my dad who is german" I reply
"Ohh wow both your german and english are very good" Bill says smiling
"Thanks bill" I say smiling

"Okay guys now after that little interruption we want you guys to start to now get to know eachothers but in the musical way" Marie says coming back in now with tokio hotels manger interrupting our conversation, but whatever
"What do you mean" Lucas asks confused like probably most of us are
"Well if you guys are gonna preform together or at eachothers concert we want you to know what type of music your doing" Marie says with a duh tone
"wait preforming together? at eachothers concerts what?" Cade asks once again confused like all of us
"oh right we haven't really explained what this actually is have we?" maire says looking at tokio hotels manger

"Okay well basically this is going to be a couple month course we're since you guys both have concerts soon we want you to preform at each of eachother so...like a starter préformer!" Marie says
"As well as its festival season so you guys will go together to preform!" Tokio hotel manger also mentions
We all just kinda stare blankly like how could they not tell us this is gonna be a COUPLE MONTH corse like I just thought it was gonna be like one festival or somthing

"Oh come on guys imagine! Imagine the two IT bands right now, tokio hotel and rapture. Preforming live together...it would go crazy in the media and your fans would love it! It will totally boots you guys following" Marie says convincing us it'll will be 'fun' and 'good'
"But what about our new album!?"
I ask
"Yeah we said we would have it out by the end of this year?" Cade says agreeing with me
"Oh don't worry this is going to be 2-3days a week and then the other three will be for our own stuff" Marie says calming us down

"Wait..so what are we doing today again" Tom asks as well all just went off topic
"oh yes! So to get in the works of eachothers music we are going to get you guys to teach eachother one of your songs and then you going to preform it!" Marie says smiling like it's the best idea in the world
"Okay so to make it fair we have some fo your guys songs in this hat and we want cade and bill to pick one and that will be the song you have to learn" tokio hotels manager says bringing out a hat
"so who wants to go first" Marie asks
Cade nods to bill to say he can go first
"okay i'll go first" Bill says as he puts his hand in and rummages around and finnally grabs a piece of paper
"Um so it is..." Bill says opening the paper
"Do I wanna know"
"Oh yes that's a great choice! Okay now cade your turn!" Their manager says bringing the hat now over to cade

He puts his hand in and does the same as bill and just pulls a random piece of paper out
"Em it's ....

Wo sind eure Hände"

Hey.....😅 So...it's been a while! Honestly Idek how it's been nearly 10days since I last updated this. It literally feels like 4days but whatever! Anyway here you go, this one is short ass but I just needed to publish SOMETHING so here❤️ Yeah this idea seems kinda shit but oh well! To fix that you guys are welcome to send feedback, good or bad(better not be any of this...jk) and send any Ideas or input you think would help! So thank you guys so much for like 600 nearly 700 readers!?! Like how crazy is that. Anyway thank you guys so much and do remember to vote and comment if you guys want I would long to hear what you think but yeah sorry for the big ass delay in updates and i'll try to be more consistent also sorry for how short this is...but yeah‼️😝🙌

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