Familiar Face

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Vadas POV:


"YESS!!!" we all should jumping up and clapping.
Izzy practically jumps into my arms and I spin around with her hugging her
Then we go up on stage to get the award

As we all walk on we start to shake hands with the man and Christina.
It's finally my turn to shake Christians hand and when I do I imeaditly smirk at her then the camera.
We are now all standing with the award and Cade is holding it up

"Thank you so much everyone, this award means so much to us and has really showed how far we have come and we are just so grateful for that." Cade says expressing how he feels and then kisses the award and hold it up again and puts it back down
we all step to the side and wait for what the man has to say

"Now, we have the other award to give" He says then steps aside for christian's
"Okay So next and last award to give out is, Best national group of 2005" She announces smiling
"Best national group of 2005 is...."
"TOKIO HOTEL!!" She shouts dragging the 'L' out

I look over and see tokio hotel jumping up and hugging each-other
Then they start to walk over to the stage and start shaking christina's hands and give a speech

"Omg we get to shake their hands!!!" Izzy whispers to me
"Oooo maybe if your slick you can quickly slip Bill a little french kiss" I say smooching my lips together
"omg your so weird" she says laughing I little bit
"You know you want to, I know I want to" I say looking over at bill giving a speech then winking and shoving her a little bit
"Hey!!" She says slapping my arm
"I'm joking!! He's all yours don't worry babe" I says stroking her chin
"Whatever" She says slapping my hand away laughing and rolling her eyes

Then tokio hotel start to shake our hands bill first georg second then gustav and lastly tom.
Bill starts at cade then lucas just saying Hi then to Izzy
"H-hello!" He says with a hint of blush and
I imeaditly smirk
"Omg hey!!!" Izzy says very enthusiastically but obviously nervous
"Well done!" she says again
"Thank you!!" He says with an even bigger smile now clearly blushing

Then he gets to me "Hi!" He says shaking my hand looking like he's practically drooling
"hey" I say looking him up and down and smirking
'damn emos are hot' I think and he moves smiling
'Izzy and him are gonna be such a hot couple' I also think once he moves.
Then I shook georg and gustav just giving a simple 'hey' and nodding my head.

Then it was tom.
"Hey" He says smirking
'This weirdo' I think
"Hello tom" I say looking him up and down but with a straight face
"well done, you seem to be quite good since you won" He says maintaining the smirk
"Yeah, better than you" I say now smirking
"Oh well we will see about that" He says walking off
I just look at him walking away thinking how he just out did me.
"Damn" izzy says
"Yeah. Damn." I say squinting my eyes at his back as he just walks to the other side of the stage


It's been a while and they have just been saying random things now it was time for us to preform as the winners got to preform 3 songs for everyone
We were preforming: Everlong By Foo Fighters,
Meddle About By Chase atlantic and Creep By Radiohead.

We get on stage and prepare to first play Everlong as the lights turn on.
Izzy and Lucas starts to strum the guitar and hit the drums for the intro and then I go in and start strumming it louder.
Izzy also starts to play louder
Finally Cade starts singing.
I really like this song and I love thee vibe it gives, it's also quite long.

Then we get to one of my favourite parts
"Breath out
So iI can breath you in
Hold you in
And now
I know you've always been
Out of your head, out of my
Head I sang"
Then I start playing it louder.

Then we get to my other favourite part where it all goes quiet and then Me and Lucas start to play again
I also love this song because I long seeing how crazy Izzy goes on the drums, and I mean crazy.
Every time I look at her she's going mad, It's really impressive how she can do it and that's mostly how that song is so popular.

We finish that song then we go off as there is a 5 minute break in between each song.

"Damn izzy, you where crazy on those drums" I say
while taking a drink of water
"Oh my goodness Yeah every time I looked at you, you looked like you were getting attacked my wasps or something but like in a cool why" Lucas says
"I know, I'm so out of breath" She says chugging water and trying to get her hair out her face, that had unfortunately got messy due to her going 'crazy' on the drums.
"Well that was only the first song so you better get ready" I say patting her back as she redoes her hair.

Then it's our next song is meddle about,
Again we start on the guitar.
I love this song, it's one of my favourites.
I acctually wrote it so that's probably why but it's one of my favourites but it's just got such a good melody and tune, quite different from our other ones tho.

Then we get to my favourite part of the song
"Back to my house, so we can
Back to my house, so we can
Meddle about
Meddle about(hey)"
As he sings that I walk over to him as I start to riff on my guitar.
As soon as I do that I look at the crowd and see tokio hotel and then tom, I start to smirk knowing I'm doing good right now.
Then I look behind him and my smirk drops.
Guess who the fuck I see smirking at me.

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