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Vadas POV:

"For Tokio hotel and Rapture to do a collab!"

"What!" Cade, me, bill, and izzy all said that the same time but we had different reasons
I know that bill and izzy had said it out of happiness and excitement where cade probably was still stuck over how tom beat him in that hot scale as he's a sore looser, but me I just really couldn't be assed but in the end i couldn't care less and just did it for dramatic effect:)

"Omg this is gonna be so fun!" Izzy says jumping and being her usual happy self
"yay more socialising..!" Lucas says tired
"oh get over it Lucas" Our manager says
I just laugh at him getting told off
"Anyway we think this will be good for both of your bands" She continues
"We will start thinking of our plans tomorrow so we will meet at 9am!" Tokio hotels manager says happily

"9am!?" Me, Lucas and tom all shout with all the same reason, simply because why so fucking early
"Yes, 9am" Both the managers say a
"Ughhh" I say
"Oh get over it Vada" our manger says now to me and Lucas laughs

"Shut up Lucas or i'll rip that pretty little nose ring off of you." I say staring at him as he just gasps and covers his nose
"Not his precious nose ring!" Cade says in a sarcastic way
"How will girls ever fall for him without it!" Izzy continues making fun of him, for once.
We as long as tokio hotel all start to laugh as lucas just grumps
"guys, stop it. He's already grumpy about being tired, and I don't think you guys want to deal with a mad and tired Lucas all the way home. Now do you?"
Marie says also tired and over our bullshit

After she says that we imeaditly shut up because we indeed do not want to deal with him right now, or on the way home, or really any of the time to be honest, Well I don't, that's for sure.
"Anyway as we were saying 9am! Be ready."
"Fine."Some of us say as we all leave saying slight byes



Vadas POV:

I woke up the sound of my alarm
"uhhhhh" I groan and hit it off as I hate the sound of it. When I look over I see it's 8:30
I'm a little late but I don't panic as I usally only take 15mins to get ready

As I get get up I had a shower last night so I couldn't bothered getting another one and I probably wouldn't have time anyway
After I'm done with my hair, leaving it down and I finished my makeup and all that I have 5mins left so I just get changed
What your wearing (change if u want):

As I get get up I had a shower last night so I couldn't bothered getting another one and I probably wouldn't have time anyway After I'm done with my hair, leaving it down and I finished my makeup and all that I have 5mins left so I just get change...

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(The hoodie isn't cropped it's just the way she's holding it)

It was boring but I didn't really care as I was too tired and couldn't be bothered
I'm finally finished and I go downstairs to see everyone ready and finishing off their breakfast
Izzys outfit:

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