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Vadas POV:

what the actual fuck is he doing here. I thought as we finished the song.
We went back off and I practically sprinted
"" I say in disbelief
"what..why did u just run off stage?" Lucas asks me
"You will never guess who I just saw" I say looking at all of them
"who?" Izzy asks concerned as she can see in freaking out
"Cole fucking Harmen." I say plainly
"" Izzy and cafe say at the same time

there's a slight pause as we're all kind of in disbelief
"what the actual fuck is he doing here?" Cade says with anger and shock in his voice
"I'm gonna kick his fucking ass" Lucas says angry
"I don't know" I say still thinking of what to do,
then I get an idea
"Do you want us get him kicked out?" Cade says concerned
"no." I say plainly looking at him
"what why?" Izzy says confused
"You guys remember how to play that song I wrote 'decode'?" I ask
"yeah..?" They all say confused

"Well i'm gonna fucking sing it."


Toms POV:

"I love their music so much!!" Bill says happily
"I wonder what their last song is gonna be!!" He says even more excited
"Hm.." I say plainly
"Oh come on tom you know you are enjoying the music!" Bill says pushing my shoulder
"Yeah he's enjoying Vada even more" Georg says smirking
"Just shut up there coming back on" I say rolling my eyes

"Hello everyone, um slight change and kind of surprise I guess. Um we're gonna actually have Vada sing the last song!" Cade says while clapping awkwardly because of the sudden change.
"Oh my god!!" Bill whisper shouts
This will be interesting I think excited to see vada sing

I watch as vada goes up to the main mike with her purple guitar in hand
"Oh uh hello! Um so yeah Im gonna actually sing this last song and uh this song is a original song I wrote when I was 14years old and it goes out to a very well now unspecial person, so yeah I hope you like it" she says
"Oh damn" Gustav says
"Oh i'm excited for this" Georg says
"Yeah me too" Bill says with a smile on his face

The lights dim and their is a main light on Vada as we hear her start to strum the guitar.

How can I decide what's right?
When you're clouding up my mind
I can't win your losing fight
All the time
Nor could I ever own what's mine
When you're always taking sides
But you won't take away my pride
No, not this time
Not this time.

The light goes back to normal and as she is singing which she does beautifully I keep seeing her look in my direction so I get really confused
"Hey bill why does she keep looking in our direction especially with these lyrics..." I ask very confused and a little scared
"I don't know.." He says as he looks around us and then quickly whips his head around
"oh my god..." He says whisper shouting
"What..?" I ask
"Look behind us right now, but don't make it obvious!" He says still whisper shouting
When I do I just make it obvious because what else would I do and when I do I just see a boy who is staring at vada intensely
"I said don't make it obvious!" Bill says grabbing my face to turn back around
"I don't get it..?" I ask still confused
"That boy starting at her with that 'weird' look in his eyes is her ex that cheated on her when she was 13, remember we saw that article about it?" He says
"Holy shit" Me and Georg say at the same time in disbelief and looking back at him and he just has a sour expression on his face
"I know, no wonder these are the lyrics" Bill says and we go back to listening

How did we get here
When I used to know you so well?
How did we get here?
Well, I think I know.

'Damn she's got a good voice' I think starring at her in amazement

The truth is hiding in your eyes
And it's hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are
If you're a man at all

"Damn.." Georg says snickering at the lyrics as well as the fact she was looking at him then rolled her eyes when she sang that, we look back at the her ex that looks absolutely fuming right now,
we start to laugh then he looks in our direction and we imeaditly turn around and shut up.

Well, I will figure this one out
On my own
(I'm screaming, I love you so)
On my own
(But my thoughts you can't decode)

We see the big camera go from Vada who is really putting her all into her singing, to Izzy as she sings the background vocals
"These lyrics are amazing, they cut deep for real." Bill says in complete awe
"I know, I can't believe she wrote these herself when she was only 14" Gustav says also in awe

How did we get here?
When I used to know you so well?
Yeah, how did we get here?
Well, I think I know

She hits a high not then the lights dim again and the main light is back on her as she does this amazing solo
"Oh my god" I say which I actually didn't mean to say out loud but it was fine as the guys probably didn't notice as their jaws were also dropped.
She looked amazing while she was doing her solo and I was in complete awe with how she played the guitar

Do you see what we've done?
We're gonna make such fools of ourselves
Do you see what we've done?
We're gonna make such fools of ourselves

The lights go back to normal as she does more guitar work then starts hitting more high notes
'damn' I thought

Yeah, yeah
How did we get here
When I used to know you so well? Yeah
How did we get here
When I used to know you so well?
I think I know
I think I know

She again does more on the guitar and at this point I think everyone is just blown away with this song, I know I am.

There is something I see in you
It might kill me, I want it to be true

As she strums the guitar for the last time I can she makes very hard eye contact with that Cole boy.
Right as she finished she moves her stare from Cole down to me and just imeaditly smirks which took me by surprise but me makes me smile,
I just stand up and start clapping. As well do everyone else.

This girl really is something.


Bit more of toms pov!! I really love the song Decode and I just thought it fit really well and I hope you did to! I'm gonna try upload more consistent but it's quite hard with school and stuff so sorry if i don't!!

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