eye contact

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Vadas POV:
We finally arrive and get out and imeaditly there are paparazzi trying to get a photo of us and people with microphones wanting to interview us.
We start to walk as we get to the red carpet and start to pose for the cameras all together

"oh my god." Izzy says hitting me on the shoulder
"There He is!!!" She says hitting me more aggressively.
"w-what are you doing- who are you talking about-" I asked as I look in the direction of where she's looking and that's when I see tokio hotel and there all looking at us like there in awe from us posing for the cameras.
Then that's where I see him,
Tom kaulitz

Tom POV:

There she was, the girl who is all i've been compared with the past couple weeks.
I must say her outfit is hot.
They all get out and start walking to the red carpet.
Once there infront of the cameras they all start posing all together

"Omg do you see her! Izzy looks amazing tonight!!" Bill says hitting me on the shoulder
"ow- yes i see her can- you stop-" I say pushing him off me
"oh- yeah sorry..oops!" He says lowering his hand laughing

"Vada looks good tonight" Georg says bumping me on the shoulder
"damn right" Bill says
"Can you just go for one band member at a time please." I say looking at bill
"Yeah okay mr 'virgin'" He says referring to my many girls
"whatever" I say rolling my eyes

"Omg Izzy is looking at us!" Bill whispers
I look and see izzy smiling at us then hitting Vada who is beside her and telling her something.
Then she looks over at us
"oh shit now Vada is!" Bill says with even more excitement

Me and Vada make eye contact.
Holy shit she's hot in real life I thought,
then she just turns around again as there is an interviewer there

Vadas POV:

When I turn around I make eye contact with tom.
Holy shit he's hot in real life I thought.
Then all of a sudden I hear somones calling my name and I turn around to see a woman with a camera and A microphone

"Hello Vada!!" She says all smiley
"Oh uh hello" I say not prepared for this interaction
"So are you excited to be nominated tonight!?"
She says keeping that smile
"Oh yeah ofcorse I am, Very grateful" I say
"What songs are you guys preforming If you win?" She asks
"Oh well that's a surprise" I say with a smirk
"Well we can wait to find out, thank you for your time!" She says as she walks on

"Hey Vade we gotta go in now" Cade says
I nod and everyone starts to make there may in.

As we get in we all sit down. All the nominated band sit in the from until they call the winners then they go to there own seats.

We are all sitting down waiting for the awards to start.
"Omg I just make eye contact with bill!" Izzy says excited
"Oh wow that's exciting" Lucas says sarcastically
"Shut up Lucas let a girl dream" I say angrily at Lucas.
"Shut up guys I think there starting" Cade says as a random man comes on the stage in a suit.

"Welcome everyone to the MTV awards 2005!!"
He says as everyone claps
"Today announcing the awards we have Christina Aguilera!" He says as Christina walks on the stage
"Look Vada there she is" Lucas says smirking
"I know and she looks great" I say smirking back taking in her outfit
"guys just shut up" Cade and Izzy say at the same time

"Hello! Thanks for having me tonight, and I'll be announcing awards of best band of 2005. Nominees are The killers, Avenged Sevenfold, Tokio Hotel, Artic Monkeys and Rapture!" She says read out our competition.
"And the winner of 2005 is..!" She says and pauses to create tension
"come on.." Cade says

another short one!!! Sorry😅 I'll try make the next one longer I just wanted to get something posted as I haven't In a couple days 💀

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